i am 14 years old.
i have been cutting myself for the past 2 years and have attempted suicid about 10 times, in several different ways.
i have been in hospital for suicide and self harm reasons probably atleast 5 times and reffered to 7 councilers and 3 mental health centers.
my mother father and grandparents from moms side suffer from depression, alcaholism and thyroid conditions.
yet no councilers, doctors or hospitals have come to the conclusion that i need medication.
i have stopped my counceling for now.
because i have had about 5 months from extreme depression, i got a bf but he was extremely melodramatic and unstable, we lasted about a month.
and then i caught up with a friend who i hadnt spoken to in ages... he lives in america and is even more suicidal and depressed than me, with drug and alcahol addicted parenmts who abused him... his mother even shot him.
anyway, we kind of fell in love and we are going out... he is coming to Australia in a year... but at the moment i am SO confused...
half the time he makes me more worried and sad/angry than happy.
then there is my friend over here who i like (i am bisexual, i have been my whole life... about the only thing im not confused about) anyway, i kind of like her... and we have kissed, and i like hold her around the waist and kiss her cheek, etc. at school and she is cool with it, but she says she is completely straight although i think she might be bi-curious...
so i kind of want to try asking her out...
anyway... back to my current bf, he wont be on the com for 2 - 4 weeks because his mom kicked him out of home... and right before he told me that he told me that theres like 3 girls at his school who like him and have told him so... im so scared he is going to cheat on me.
i have no family other than my weirded out mother...
my father is completely... well, thats another 4 paragraphs of story so we will leave that... so i am completely alone where family comes in.
my best friend and exx gf, the only true friend i have, she knows EVERYTHING about me and understands me like noone else... well my mom bans me from seeing her.
then the rest of my friends i never see or they are just fake friends...
i have started cutting again (i stopped for 5 months) but not badly, just mainly on my shoulder and hip... only slightly on my wrist and hands sometimes... because i dont want my mom completely freaking out.
and i tend to be taking panadol and other pain killers just to make myself feel sleepy and okay, it temporarily subsides some pain...
alot of the time i feel so sad and inside of me feels like im crying (if that makes sense) but no tears are actualy coming.
over the past week or so i have had trouble sleeping, either being really tired or not being able to sleep at all.
i am still eating pretty ok, except at school. i hardly eat anything.
and i am feeling sick alot.
please any advice? anything?
and please dont just go on about the cutting... i have tried to stop, and unless you have gome through the same thing then you really dont know (im not trying to sound melodramatic but its true) cutting is an addiciction just like any other. i am trying.