
Please help!! I HATE my summer school teacher!!!!!!!?

by Guest32646  |  earlier

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He gave a stupid girl (ya I said "stupid") a 94% in AP grade 12 English...

why?? Because she has big t*ts, and wore short skirts everyday!

He did that to all the pretty girls, and the average ones got mediocre grades

to not raise suspicion about his 90+ crew.


I know this for a fact, because for a question a beautiful girl and I wrote

down the same answer on a question (we didn't cheat), and he wrote mine as

wrong, and hers as right!

Also, her essays were riddled with praise like "awww!" and "cute!", because

she's soooo suggestive in her body language when talking to him, that

he just gives her perfect scores all the time. But in my

essays, when I write "The Stone Angel is an aggregate of well thought out

maxims told in story form" he comments "too wordy".




  1. Well, take his advice (I know that sounds like a bad idea)

    and make his idea of a perfect paper. Use blunt sentences that get your words across and don't try and use big words simply because.

    Then, if he marks you down on something stupid he'll only have himself to blame since he told you how to write it.  If eh does this, ask him why and bring it to your parents.

  2. Short dress no panties show it off.

  3. Our best teachers are those who push our buttons and he's done a great job of pushing yours. We are here to learn to love everyone. That's not to say you don't report him so he can change.. that can also be a loving thing to do...but if you report him out of anger instead of love, it won't get you, or him, anywhere.

    This is your chance to practice real forgiveness.

  4. well if you really can prove this (like get a hold of her paper) you can take it to the principle and launch a complaint against an unfair teacher. we had one of those too in my old school. he wasn't that bad but bad enough he wasn't allowed to be alone with female students. (we assume he was caught with one of them). be careful of him because he might be a sexual predator. schools really should be more on the ball with this kind of simple safety but they're not always. avoid being alone with this sort of man. or really any man who you don't know well.

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