
Please help.I ahve no clue whata to do with this baby!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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So Im baby sitting and the baby is crying and I really just want it to take a nap!!!!!!!!!! its like 2 pm here and he got up at 8am. hes about to turn 1 tomorrow. how do i help him sleep? he shouldnt be hungry but he might be. should in feed him? please help!




  1. I think that you need to take a baby sitting course of some kind before you attempt to care for a child this young again. Children are very difficult at this age. I would be very nervous if I were the parent of this child and I saw that you were frantically asking questions on yahoo answers and calling my child an 'it'. If this type of situation happens again, take a deep breath and call the child's parents.

  2. did you give him lunch? checked his diaper? is he chewing on everything(his teeth might be bothering him) you cant just make a baby go to sleep. if you cant figure out what is wrong with him then you shouldnt be babysitting. call his parents and ask them what his normal schedule is.

  3. please stop calling the baby "it" that really troubles me.  If you can't handle the child crying than I think the very best thing for you to do is call the parents and have them pick him up.  It takes a lot of patience and maturity to care for someone else's child and you seem way too young to handle the responsibility.

  4. Check to see if the baby is wet or otherwise uncomfortable.  If he doesn't need changing, then feeding is the next likely need, so give it a try.  If he refuses the bottle, he may simply be feeling fussy, but he might also be getting sick.  While it is the nature of babies to cry a lot, be fussy a lot, and be very needy, you might feel more comfortable with some expert help.  Can you contact an experienced family member, friend or neighbor for advice?  Is there someone else around who can help you check the baby to make sure he isn't getting sick?  If he continues to cry without apparent reason, a trip to the doctor may be needed.  

  5. Try offering him a snack and see if they are hungry. If not, see if they need changed. Just because you can't smell something doesn't mean they aren't wet or stinky down there.

    If those things aren't the problem see if the are tugging on their face or ears and if their gums look swollen. If yes, they are probably teething.In that case give them something cold to chew on.  My son loves jello cubes, chilled fruit- especially frozen grapes cut in half, or even a juice pop when he's cutting teeth.  

    They could also just be fussy and cranky because you're not mommy or maybe had a bad dream during a nap. If they haven't taken a nap yet, rock them and stay calm. Put them on your left side. For some reason, the closer they are on the left side to your heart beat the easier they calm down. Rock them and be reassuring. They could just be tired.

    If nothing else, this is what mom's go through ALL THE TIME. Not all kids get fussy like this, but some do.  If you're ever tempted to want kids of your own as a teen mom, remember this experience and ask yourself if you can handle it for 24-7-365. :)  It's tiring, but we mom's don't sleep either on the job. Hang in there.

    If you feel you're going to loose it and you've checked and tried all reasonable measures, just put them down in their crib and walk away to the next room for a few minutes to collect yourself.  It's better to do that if you're about to lose it then to do anything else. It helps you regain your focus though.

    One last thought- even though some others have said it in various ways, you may want to consider sitting and watching kids that are not toddlers or infants if you're not comfortable to care for their needs in the parents absence. Maybe do 3 yo and younger school age kids.   Taking care of an infant is hard. Not everyone can do it. It's especially hard if you're not a parent and are unfamiliar with the child, the routine or home. :)

  6. okay, breathe. try giving the baby another bottle, check his diaper than lay him down to sleep and let him cry it out. if he's tired he'll go to sleep. does he have a pacifier? Give that to him. Does he have a swing? latch him into that until he's asleep. :)

  7. try giving him a nice bath, that should help calm him down,

  8. First of all a baby is NOT an "it". Secondly, get off the darn internet and interact with the child. I feel bad for him and the parents that left him in your care. You are obviously not old enough nor responsible enough to be caring for a child.

    Go put him down, on his belly, and pat his back. This may help calm him into going to sleep. You may have to call his parents to see what they do for his nap time.

  9. You should call the parents and ask them.  They are going to know the baby best.  In the future maybe you should not be baby sitting a baby, if you don't really know how to care for one.  Not trying to offend, but I know I wouldn't leave my daughter with my little sister.  I know my little sister loves her and would try, but she doesn't really know how to handle a crying baby.   There are a lot of people who don't.

    Good luck!  

  10. I just feel based on your question you shouldn't have a baby.

  11. He was probably crying because he was tired, sometimes you just have to put them in bed and let them cry it out...  he should fall asleep in under 10 min. :) good luck!

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