
Please help I am a nursing mother and I was prescribed Paxil, Can this harm my baby?

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I have been on this medication for 2 months now for postpartum depression andd my doctor knows that I am nursing. I just went to research this drug for the side effects on Yahoo at: and this website states, "Paroxetine can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby." This is making me panic right now. Can anyone tell me from experience if I should continue to panic and kick my doctor @ss?? I'm truly scared right now.




  1. you know what, i  was given Paxil too, but during my pregnancy , into my second semster, but i read those little labels that the pharmacy gives you with all the info, and decided not to take it, i was absolutely upset, because of the warning to expectant mothers, i couldn't understand why my dr had given it to me. Thank God I threw it away and so far i've been good,trying to deal with my mood swings and emotions, .. I wish i had something helpful to tell you, but I guesss just talk to your Gyn... i dunno why they keep giving us stuff that might harm our babies....WIsh you all the luck in the world and God bless you and your princess, don't worry about something you're not exactly sure of. Get a second opinion about continuing to take it. Everything is going to be fine. You'll see.  

  2. Most antidepressants do interfere with breast milk production and pass into the milk. If your depression was very severe, it's better to take the medication and to switch to formula than to become suicidal or infanticidal.

    It's not going to cause physical harm to your daughter, but she will probably have to be weaned off Paxil herself, because it can cause addiction. Don't change anything without consulting a doctor.They will tell you how to wean your daughter off Paxil, if the dose you are taking is high enough to show up in high concentration in your milk.

    If you are taking very low dose,she may not be affected at all. As I said, talk to a doctor.

    My advice is to find a new doctor as soon as possible- if the average Joe Schmoe can read the insert with the side effects, so the doctor. It seems like your doctor didn't care at all.Your doctor should have went over that

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