
Please help??? I am in pain!!?

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i have a bad headache!! i don't have a fever, no strep throat, nothing!! what can it be??




  1. If you can't touch your chin to your chest without excruciating pain, it could be meningitis, for which you would need to get to the hospital.  Otherwise, there are a few things you could try...  Stand up straight with your arms at your sides.  Swing your arms back and forth (opposite directions) quickly while counting to 100.  Sometimes, this gets the blood flowing to your head and can relieve a headache.  If that doesn't work, try acupressure by grabbing up the skin between your thumb and first finger and pinching it together for several minutes.  If you have Tylenol or acetaminophen, you could try taking two of the 500 mg. tablets and see how you feel in 30 minutes.  Another possibility is that you could be dehydrated, so drink lots of non-caffeinated fluids.  If none of these helps, you might want to have a doctor check you out anyway in case it is something more serious!

  2. too tired and strees .......spend more time to take arest, try to relaxs and take pain killer like acetaminopen ....if you need more strong tramadol, but acetaminopen 500 mg more safe

  3. Take an over the counter pain reducer and lay in a cool, quiet dark room.

  4. Try drinking a lot of water maybe two or three tall glasses. Headaches can occur because of dehydration.

  5. I heard some where that drinking Gatorade woks faster that medicine

  6. If the pain is concentrated in your forehead, above your nose or eyes, its likely a sinus headache.  If you are seeing spots in your vision it may be a migraine.  Try to determine what type of headache it is, then take steps to alleviate the pain, such as taking an Excedrin.  Furthermore headaches can be caused by eye strain.  You should NOT be looking at a computer moniter or television screen if you're trying to relieve a headache.

    Feel better!

  7. There are a number of reasons for headaches.  The most common culprits are sinus pressure, stress, and dehydration--that's how my headaches occur.  I've been under so much stress and a train wreck lately from all the sh*'t going on in my life right now, that I woke up this morning with a bad headache, and what sucked was that I had to be at work early today.  It's almost like I had a hangover, lol.  So I took Excedrin and drank lots of water and felt much better, so try that and see if it helps.  Hope you feel better.

  8. H20! or...if you have something with caffeine in it take it with your medicine my doctor told me to do that.

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