
Please help! I don't want to be labeled as Scene?

by  |  earlier

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Don't get me wrong. I have NO problem with scene kids. I just don't like being labeled as scene or worse, be labeled as a POSER! Anyways, I tease my crown very often to make it BIG! My hair is flat and I look a lot better with volume. Teasing is the only way that I can get my hair as big as I want. Anyways, is there anything I can do to show people that I'm NOT a scene or poser? I don't wear thick eyeliner or hello kitty or skinny jeans (well maybe once every two weeks). Is that even good enough to show that I'm not a scene kid?!?

Thank you!




  1. oh. BELIEVE ME.      u r soooooooooooooooooooo far from scene.

  2. Who cares what people think.

    If you know who you are it shouldn't bother you.

    d**n the society and their stupid labels these days. D:

  3. i do the same thing and my friends say i am the anti emo (scene) I just like some of that stuff.   I like country music

  4. hunn your not scene at all!

    go ahead keep teasing you hair that doesn't mean your scene.

  5. Maybe you should try volumizing hair mousse so your hair looks bigger, instead of teasing it. Cause "teasing" is a huge stereotype of scene, and I totally understand what you mean too, but hey if you like your hair teased, don't let anyone get in your way =]

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