
Please help I have a difficult friend?

by  |  earlier

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Okay well there is this one girl and last year i treatede her like such a great friend and shed be really mean but then really nice. And Shes 2 faces and its the summer holiday and she really wants to be my friend what do I se hurt me so much and i cant take it again




  1. The plain and simple truth is this: Continue on as acquaintences. Nothing more. I have had many friendships like this, and ALL of them ended in ruins. Someone that hurts you often is NEVER a true friend. An occasional "How's it going?" is fine, but do it in a manner that implies that you are not hostile, but not that much of a friend. Good luck! ^_^

  2. Don't, I've made so many mistakes with this in the past I gave in and the same thing happened, you can be nice to her, but just leave it as that. -Marty Jean Baker

  3. i think u shouldnt be friends wit hher anymore im sure u have plenty of other friends that arents mean and u can count on them shes just not some1 u can label "friend" just be nice to her and everything but dont call her mean names and dont really hang out with her tell her u dont trust her cuz of everythin she did 2 u dont let her make u miserable

    ps i dont no u at all lmao  

  4. Dnt be friends with her. chancea r she will hurt u again. If shes ur friend she wouldnt be mean to u, friends r supposed to be there 4 u and care for u. and if shes two-faced then u definetly should not be around her or tell her ur bsiness becuz theres no tellun wut shes sayin bout u behind ur back. Dnt e her friend. find better friends who will cre bout u

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