
Please help I have anti-vegan parents?

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Ive been a vegetarian for about 5 months now. The problem is that my mom always wants to argue with me she says things like "animals were put on earth so we could eat them" or "You wont last" things like that and it is getting really frustrating. I also want to buy more vegan foods but she says im trying to be anorexic wich im not, im a vegetarian only because of the animals. What are some things I can tell her o she can stop fighting with me?


im 15.




  1. Congrats to all you young-lings who have seen beyond the advertising, hyperbole and social stereotypes. It took me many more years to get to your stage.

    It looks like you'll have to be the "adult" in this situation. Just remember that your mum is only human and most people think like her. Most of the good advice is already given. Just keep things cool with her, show her the reams of information that proves why it's good for everyone and everything to be vegan. But do it little by little. Start with the things that you think she'd be able to handle like how it can improve your health and some of the things that happen to animals on the meat-market. Show her that you aren't losing weight and if you are, work out to build muscle as this adds healthy weight.

    Most importantly eat healthy otherwise you'll get the whole, "I told you so!" treatment for the rest of your life.

  2. I am a Registered Nurse and a vegetarian.  It is possible to live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle and remain healthy.  I will offer this advice as a nurse and mostly as a mom.  Please do your homework when choosing these diets, you must consume the proper fruits, vegetables and lagunes to consume the proper nutrition.  Vitamin D and calcium are crucial during these years of your life.  If you are transitioning to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, make sure you are consuming the necessary nutrients.  An excellent place to start is your local health food store, there are many good websites, just make sure they are reputable.  Do not take information blindly and be well informed.  Even those with good intentions can misfeed you information.  Good luck ladies and it is admirable that you are making this quest at such a young age.

  3. I'm going through the same thing. (I'm 13, a lacto-ovo and transitioning to veganism) My mom has been supportive, but the rest of my family has not been. They say things like I'll get so sick, veg food is gross, or they say I only eat vegetables. But I've found the best way to deal with it is to arm yourself with knowledge so that you can answer their questions. I suggest that you visit they have a lot of information on dealing with kind of stuff, and most of it is written by teenagers like you and I. There is a family section, school section, nutrition, recipes and more! Oh and be sure to calmly explain why you're doing this, assure her that it is not an eating disorder and help educate her on the fact that this is a healthier lifestyle. But don't be "preachy". And please don't give anyone the gross details of slaughter and meat unless they ask you personally. Because I have seen from experience that that kind of attitude only turns people away from vegetarianism of all kinds.

    Good luck and tell me how it goes for you. And if you ever have any other questions about vegetarianism feel free to email me at

  4. Theres always gonna be people who dont agree with your decisions but you gotta just put your own foot down and say ITS MY LIFE! basically but like in a calm manner just think about when you can finally move out and have the freeedom in the world lol

  5. If you live in your parents house  you play by their rules.

    When you are old enough to support yourself, you can make your own decisions.

  6. I agree with all the answers above. But here is my 2 cents.

    1) Go to this site,

    it has loads of vegetarian and vegan recipes.

    2) find a recipe that has all the ingredient already in your house or the ones really easy to buy.

    3) Than tell your mom you want to enjoy an activity to together - cooking.

    4) Make the food together and this will give time to bond and your mom time to realize that you are becoming a more of mature lady.

    than next week, Do another recipe

    5) Gradually if you cook enough to vegetarian together she will start to see that there are many great vegetarian meals and people really don't need meat.

    The only way you are going to encourage your family yo eat less animals is to replace it with great vegetarian or vegan food.

    Arguing with them will not help. - show them you are mature person.

  7. Well, you're in a tough situation.  You are old enough to make a decision of this kind for yourself, and if you're mom thinks there's a legitimate reason you should not be doing what you are doing, she's wrong and you are right.  But she's the mother and you are the child.  That dynamic is perfect when she's right and you are wrong, but it gets tricky when it's the other way around.  You should just tell her, "I'm old enough to make this decision for myself, I really wish you would respect that more than you are".  Unfortunately if she's set in her ways, she may not listen, and you will just have to put up with it.  But don't change because of her... parents can be right about a lot of things but they aren't right about everything.  In this case, you are doing what's your right, and your mother is wrong to fight it.

    One other thing you can do is pass along information to her on the health benefits of a vegetarian diet.  See google search below:

  8. Hey! I can somewhat relate to u. Im 14 and have been a vegetarian since November or December of last year. I was really proud but I dont think people really believed in me untill I really stood for it and started saying NO I dont eat that and started telling more people that I was going to do this! The thing is u just have to do this for u and the animals. U cant make everyone happy and if this is what u wanna be go for it! try to tell her about hte stuff they are doing to them, and show her a video at! Thats how I started!Good luck and its really good that your doing this!

  9. Well, tell her about everything animals and what they go thrue. It's your decision on what you put in your mouth and your old enough to make that decision. As for being anorexic, your eating food! That technically isn't being anorexic as your eating some very nutritous.

  10. Hey! I'm 15 to and my parents are the EXACT same way.  I was a vegetarian for a little over a year and just went vegan last week. They get really angry when i tell them that they shouldn't be eating meat or tell them really gross facts about it. lol. I've read alot of facts on the peta website and almost always have a fact to argue back with.

    In response to "animals were put on earth so we could eat them" just tell them its your personal choice, and you will respect thier choice to eat meat if they will respect your choice to not eat meat.

    At first i went vegetarian b/c meat grossed me out and i didn't really want to kill animals. I only recently found out real details about slaughter houses and the ways the animals are killed thats why i decided to go vegan. Its kind of tough, and my whole family keeps telling i won't make it very long, i'm just trying not to let it bother me!

    Good Luck! : )

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