
Please help I just got followed home?

by Guest33347  |  earlier

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I was just walking home and while I was still on the main road there was a guy walking abit ahead of me that kept looking back and staring. But I just ignored it and carried on walking til I got home. Then as I did he came out from around the corner and asked me if I was single or with anyone. I just said the truth which was Im getting married, and he just said 'oh ****', and walked off. He obviously hid somewhere or something because how could he have been behind me if he'd previously been in front of me. Do I need to worry? Im scared because he knows where my house is now...I had no idea he was following me or I would never have walked to my house.

Any advice would be great.




  1. Phone the police.

  2. Tell this to a friend, ur neighbor(or) some one who really cares for u and get their advice, tell it to ur fiance . If u hide it and keep it to ur-self , you would be worried/scared also it will be advantageous to him.

    If u definitely dont know him and u think he's harmful u could just inform  the local police as a precaution.

  3. he is probably a stalker keep on watching your back i think he was desperate

  4. The same thing happened with my older sister. In wall-mart we were lookin at cameras and this one guy kept staring at her and kept trying to talk to her. My younger bro needed notebooks so my sister said to stay in the camera department while she got them. The guy who was obsessed with my sis. followed her asking her for her number and sayin shes cute. She had to say she was getting married to get him to back off.

    It happened again in Virginia Beach when we were on vacation. She stayed in the car while I got Ice cream. Her door was open since she was smoking and a guy came up to her and would not leave her alone! We got so scared we left.

    We never seen the guys again so far... If you see him again or if hes follwing you call the cops or get a restraining order. Do taekwondo if that helps. Uh... carry pepperspray (if its illegal then dont). Uh... Be carefull and always carry a cellphone. Watch out for those types of kreeps. I get scared too. Love Gymnast.

  5. He probably thought you were cute and wanted to ask you out. You said he left after you told him you were getting married. So, technically, he's not a stalker. If you notice him watching your house or following you some more, you definitely need to call the police.

  6. That's creepy, well legally you can't do anything because he didn't assault you. Being a one off, the police wont do anything and that's all they would see it as.

    Write down a description of him and if you ever see him lurking around your street or local store write it down and what time you would have seen them. It's good to keep a record in case he is stalking you or hear of other women in your area being stalked, for information you can pass to the police, so they can patrol your area. If you bump into him again by chance instead of using the approach you did.

    Fish for his name and ask if he lives locally in a semi friendly manner while checking if he's got any visual scars, tattoos pierced ears or license plate number etc. This is more ammunition if this guy is truly stalking you or other women in the area so you gather a description, that can be passed to the police.Otherwise this may only have been jut a one off. It's unfortunate you live in the USA, here in Australia they take stalking or domestic abuse seriously. In the USA you have to be assaulted first, before they put the donuts down and do anything.

    Well anyway don't let this idiot make you loose sleep, or place any stress in your life. Also congratulations on you upcoming wedding.

  7. that's nothing... my friend already experience that because she had a suitor but kind of stalker... hahaha.. he also followed her.. and when she get home he just leave....

  8. Just don't be afraid and tell him that your getting married and let him see you with your boyfriend

  9. You should've just ignored him in the first place. Do you carry a can of mace or something? If not, maybe you should start carrying something with you from now on.

  10. Is he s**y?

  11. The Police are on hand to advise you about this potential stalker, get in touch with them and explain wat happened!

    Good Luck!

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