
Please help. I need some GOOD money saving tips. The cost of living in England is so high.?

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I seems to be very expensive to live at the moment with basics like gas/petrol/food going SKY high in price.

Has anyone got any good money saving tips for me please.

Please dont say "shop at netto/aldi" I would rather cut my b+lls off and eat them than shop there.

Thank you for your answers.




  1. FOOD IS FOOD wherever you buy it ,are you saying you would rather get into debt than shop at aldi or netto or any other shop that you pay for what you get, as opposed to shopping at a shop like m+s,the only way to save money is to live by your means,DO NOT spend more than you have...............Then if you are serious about you,re not....

  2. Cut back on all but basics . Walk do not ride . Buy a tin cup and dark glasses stand on a bust corner and see how much you can supplement your income ?

  3. Go to it's a FREE consumer website. A guy called Martin Lewis set it up. He's been on Tv & is regularly featured on BBC Radio 2 (jeremy Vine show) Your money & your life topic.

    This website will direct you to all areas of your finances & recommend all the best free advice around from credit cards/mortgages to how to buy shoes online & avoid the import duty. I look on there all the time for tips & ideas. Also try you can sign up for free & they will mail you with the cheapest petrol stations with your area. (this was a site recommended by & I'm now signed up to weekly mail alerts for cheapest fuel. Also try or for utilities i.e. gas, electric, broadband etc. You can save a fortune in minutes without leaving your PC! Good luck!

  4. Arfewhatsisface above me- you truly are a w@nk3r!

    Eat vegetables- they are cheaper than meat- you can make a darn good pasta bake with just veggies. (and thats coming from a confirmed carnivore)

    Dont eat out.

    Get a bike.

    Buy a jumper- my gas bills are tiny and i have a gas cooker and gas heating rely on gas for hot water- its a combi boiler and my bills are seldom as high as £50 for the quarter. usually work out around £10-£15 p/m and thats with 2 people both having baths.

    Buy things from supermarket specials- like things due to go out of date the following day- buy as you need and freeze.

    Bake your own bread- it tastes way nicer and is ridiculously easy I don't understand why I usen't to.

    Grow your own veg. I've got tomatoes, salad leaves, sprouts, carrots coming up in my garden in london

    Sell all your cr@p on ebay- the stuff you dont wear or use- some idiot will buy it

  5. live closer to work so you can walk, or get a job closer to home.

    eat day old fruits and veggies, marked down.

    spend less then you make.

  6. Get rid of your car. Get a bike. You will save so much you wont believe it.

  7. If you can walk somewhere then walk or bike, and if you have friends at work who live near you, ask to do lift shares. This will definately cut down on your fuel prices, which are ridiculously high.

    Also, if you have less people than bedrooms in your house, it is apparently cheaper to have a water meter, than to pay a fixed amount. Water companies are also legally obliged to install a water meter for free.

    And then there's all the common sense stuff like dont leave stuff on standby, and make sure you dont buy unnecessary stuff.

    When you go shopping for clothes, you should wear stuff that makes you look good, because then you feel that you need to buy less stuff.

    You dont have to shop at places like Aldi to save on your food bills. Take advantage of special offers, ad grow veggies and fruit at home. This can be very rewarding, I grow strawberries and they are really yummy. =)

  8. Cancel SKY....throw your tv of the nearest bridge...blow up a high street bank with your car.

  9. Forget Netto and Aldi (yuk!) go to Lidl, as their stuff is actually edible and very cheap.  Also, freezer shops like Farmfoods really do some fantastic deals to make your money go further.  

    If you have any leftover potatoes and veg for a meal, say on Sunday, don't throw it out.  Once cool, cover and store in the fridge until the next day, when u can put it all together with some seasoning and make a tasty "bubble n squeak", or something similar depending on the ingredients.  

    For cleaning products, use natural ingredients instead of shop bought named brands.

    Make use of sites like Freecycle if your looking for something in particular.  You can get some really great things for free and at the same time help the environment.

    Hope this helped.

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