
Please help! I need someone to talk to!?

by Guest56574  |  earlier

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I know it might be long, but I need someone to talk to! Ill give ten points!

OK i started high school at an all girls private catholic school last monday. I don't like it there! I paid a lot of money to go there, but if i went to a different school, they would give some back.

Its just different there at the private catholic school b.c im noit catholic, and i feel akward there. I have been crying a lot because i just want to go to a normal public school with my old friends and boys. The public high school i would have gone too doesnt start until wednseday.

Even if i went back to public my parends dont care. They just want me to be happy.

I'm worried if i went to the public school though I would hate it too! I just dont like the private school im at i have one friend only, and its harder, and i feel weird and out of place there. I'vecome home crying a lot. I just want to go to a normal high school! what should I do?




  1. get out of private  catholic school u hate it there nd u no it go t othe same school as all ur other friends u WILL LIKE IT MORE THERE since u will have more friends go to public trust me  

  2. my best answer to this is to tell your parents you don't like the school.

  3. i went to a catholic school and i came from a public middle school and it turned out to be the best four years of my life you will make closer friends and don't worry about not finding a guy or anything cuz i got plenty of girls and just stay in touch with all of your old friends i was alone too for a wile but it gets way better

  4. You already decided , so talk to your parent tell them you wanna go to public school.

    Secondly problem is not with school, you dont like it because no friends or boys, but hey girl you can make friends there, abt boys , they will find you any way.

  5. The most important thing of going to school is to learn,  and to achieve your education,  to have knowledge and a better job after you finish your studies.  It makes no difference as education can be,  if you are unhappy,  because you have only one friend.  You know friends can either put you down,  and make you do not want to study or friends can help you to become a successful person someday.  Be careful of choosing your friends,  only one mistake you make will either destroy or ruin your future.

    Why are you crying?  What makes you so upset?  You need to focus yourself,  do not cry,  it can not solve any problem when you cry,  if you are not happy and you can not learn,  then change your school,  which make you comfortable to learn.  Stop crying,  you will get older easily,  you did not reach 50 years old,  you will look like 50 years old,  just joking.  Do not worry too much,  be happy and be positive,  because if you think positively,  you will get positive result.

    I hope you will be fine and achieve your goal in life.  May you have a brighter tomorrow.  You should be thankful that you can go to school,  some kids they have no opportunities to go to school to learn.

  6. Well, lets see what's going on here. You are going to a private, Catholic all-girls high school and you are not Catholic and you feel awkward because of that. School started last Monday and you have one friend. You want to go back to public school but you think you would hate that too.

    Since you have been in pubic schools before you already know what that's like. Catholic school is no different then public school except for the fact that your parents pay your tuition. They pay for your education at public school too but it come out of their taxes.

    You do not have to be Catholic to go to their schools so you should not feel sad and you are not the only non-Catholic in that school. What you do is abide by their rules just like you would do at a public school. What I believe is you need more time to adjust at the private school and I know you will make more friends. It just takes time dear just like it did when you were in public school.

    Give yourself a chance and you will see how easily you blend in with the other girls. I think right now you feel a little lonely and this is a new experience for you but it won't be for long. If, by the end of this term, you still feel you don't want to be there then you can be transferred to the other school. But, I bet you won't want to. Please let me know how it works out for you dear. My email address is in my profile. Study hard and all the best to you. You'll be fine.

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