
Please help! I need to gain weight and confidence!?

by  |  earlier

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I was born really skinny, and most of my family is skinny too. I'm really short, I'm 13 years old 4'11" and 69 pounds I'm not anorexic and I eat normally, but what ever I do I can't gain weight! I'm getting really tired of people spreading rumors about me saying I'm anorexic, it really hurts me, and I feel like such an outsider. I really don't know what to do I asked my parents if I could have weight gaining pills, but they won't let me. My parents know that I really hate being skinny, but they won't help me I hope you guys will.




  1. i was reading this health book on how to lose, maintain, n gain weight. if u wanna gain a little bit of weight , try to eat at least 2 avocados a day. it's a good fat. i don't recommend u to eat junk foods, so unhealthy. u will gain weight caused by craps that stays in your system. u're young u need to take care of yourself(body). I'm skinny too, i eat a lot but mostly fruits and vegetables. i also eat meat occasionally. so, just keep a lot of healthy foods.  

  2. Hi there it is an accepted fact that fad diets are 95% certain to fail. I suggest that you take a trip to its a really informative site with lots of free help and support. I lost 6 pounds in seven weeks by following their tips  

  3. Try to eat a little more each day...not too much all at once, or else you will feel sick. But if you just add an extra snack each day, your body will crave more and more....Make sure to eat Carbs too.

  4. brewing yeast. It has a lot of vitamin B, too. It will make you gain

    weight in a week. Either buy at pharmacies, as supplement, or in any

    place which specializes in brewing. Three pills a day/three tablespoons a

    day - depends on the product, and you are there. Good for bones and

    hair as well.

  5. i always over eat! when I'm not hungry i eat. when i was 11 i weighed 105 pounds. i basically had no butt, but i had very wide hips.

    i digress. just don't eat like mcdonalds or those other fast food stuffs. because they don't work. i actually lost weight cuz i ate there!! eat other stuff like.....tons of fruits!! o and if u get chubby you may get taller. it worked for me when i was 11 and now im a tall wided hip 15 year old sophmore=(

  6. Metabolism plays a vital role in gaining weight. But. to gain weight what it requires is optimal hormone production for which you require the right fats in your gain weight diet.

    Examples of these fats would include:

    coconut oil

    animal fats


    Essential oils



    stay away from trans fats and hydrogenated fats!!

  7. jus stay the way you are because once you gain weight you might hate it.and then its really hard to get off so you should just love your body the way it is k =] im sure it looks beautiful

  8. go eat some twinkies boyyy

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