
Please help! I really think my is house haunted!?

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I live in a small house on the east coast of Maryland in a tiny town called Easton. My entire family and I have witnessed really bizzare stuff going on around the house. I and everyone in my family have been woken up in the middle of the night because we heard bells ringing or because we felt someone blow into our ears.

On top of that, one time smoke started coming out of my wall! But the smoke didnt have any odor or anything. I called the electrician the next day and he said there's no wiring behind the wall where the smoke came from, just insulation. He said there was nothing inside the wall that could possible catch fire unless it was actually set fire to.

And everyone in my family including me often has this strange feeling of being watched. I know theres something there. I just feel a strange presence of something but my eyes can never catch it.

Is my house haunted?




  1. I thought you liked the bell ringing and ear blowing stuff? Do you mean I've been wasting my time? You could of said something at the time rather that bottling it all up inside you and then moaning about in on the internet. There's me doing my best to do the whole odourless smoke stuff and bells and ears etc, and it turns out that I'm not good enough for you. Well that's it. I'm leaving, I'll find a family that appreciate my particular brand of spooky. Find yourself a new ghost, see if I care.

  2. sounds like something is going on there. i have had 3 or 4 encounters with things like this and more. my best advise is dont be afraid. if some one is there , they havent tried to hurt you. theyre just trying to get your attention. try doing some research , public records an such as to the history of your house.

    i lived with a ghost that hung himself in the closet of my appartment  , i was there 7 years. he kept people out when i wasnt there.

  3. well it depends... do u believe in ghosts? if so then maybe your house is haunted. I've read that people that beleive in ghosts tend to be haunted more aften then thoes who don't. Also ask yourself is there a logical explination for the stuff that is happening? Often I feel like i am being watched just because at that moment i really want to be alone. And the blowing in the ear now there could be a crack in a window that allows air to come in and bother you. If that was the case for just one family membor that would be a logical explination but i don't know what to tell you about the bell and the smoke. Thats just kinda freaky so like maybe your house is haunted... that would be cool... think about it :)

  4. yes....your house is's known in that area of md

  5. sounds like it is

    go on one of those ghost tv shows,

    that would be a pretty cool expirence.

    and then you'll know for sure whats going on

  6. Yes you home may be haunted or your home could contain a window of sorts that spirits use to pass from one place to another.... Which is it I am not sure but having that dimensional door way does give off the same effect that a home is haunted when all that home is. Is just a transport station............ You need someone to bless that home and close all portals.........................

  7. you need professional opinions. lucky for you, you live on the east coast where TAPS works.  especially if there are children involved and/or you feel in danger they will come and they don't charge.  they are very professional and have their own tv show on scifi if you want to see how they work on cases.

    it is important for you to feel safe in your own home so if not TAPS call someone right away!

  8. could be...

    seems to me like u need to do some spiritual warfare over that house..

  9. Buy some pigs. They have the power to drive spirits away.

  10. call ghost hunters. you can be on TV!

  11. In Maryland you say? Well, in that case it's haunted.

    But to make sure it is, light up a candle and go some place where there is no wind or air moving across it. ( Close windows, turn of AC, and fan) If the light flickers then there is something else other then you is moving around in the room. I

    also heard Kids staying up past 12 could attract ghost. What you could do, when you wake up in the middle of the night is stare into the darkness  or at the wall to see if you see anything, look at it as long as you can, if you don't see anything try to relax and see if you feel anything strange touching you or if you feel a presents.

    I had something like that happned to me, I had this mirror in the living room just hanging there. It's been 6 monthes since it's been hanging there until like around 5 or 6 in the morning the mirror just fell, and I was told that ghosts don't like mirrors.

    Try  putting mirrors around the house and if they break randomly ( Like what happened to me) then your house is haunted.

  12. That's insanely creepy.

    If you believe in it, you can get a priest to bless your house.

    It helped with me and my family when we moved into my grandma's house after she died.

  13. Wow, that's actually really cool

    ( i know that sounds weird)

    Anyway. I believe in ghosts and I

    don't nessisarly (i spelled that wrong. haha)

    think it's haunted but, I know how you would think that.

    Maybe it's just being parranoyed if you

    have had a bad past or something.

    Sorry & good luck!

  14. I'm sorry I'm not exactly the biggest ghost fanatic. To simply ask your question: Yes, it would be considered haunted.


    Consider that the ringing could simply be the musical instrument called bells, but its hard to find someone who still enjoys the sound of bells. It could be someones doorbell, a lost cellphone, a land line near. It could be your imagination the power of suggestion. I can't explain the blowing in your ear, I'm sorry.

    The smoke could be a flawed wall where someone was smoking outside and it blew through.

    Being watched is paranoia. or the watching of angels.

  15. Hehe. It really depends on your belief. If you do believe in ghosts and God, then splash some holy water everywhere. That'll get rid of them. Corse' you can always ask yourself, are ghosts REAL? No really....

  16. well -- it pretty much sounds like it.

    what you really need to do right now, is call someone to come in and investigate before matters get worse. smoke coming out of the walls might mean a fire in the past, and possibly deaths due to it :/

    the blowing in your ears might mean the spirits are trying to communicate to you; maybe they want to tell you something.

    finally, i think the bells are an indicator of how long ago the fire was. waaaaayyy back then, firetrucks used bells instead of sirens.

    i dont know what else to tell you -- it just my theory. im only thirteen, so i dont know what help ill do :)

    call your priests, check with the locals on the towns history, go to the libraries and try to find information, call paranormal investigators, and even call psychics and different kinds of shows. maryland does have alot of history, so checking things out might actually help.

    anyways, good luck & god bless!!!

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