I am going back to Thailand next week. When the elder Americans see me. First thing they say is "Oh, I am sorry! " I don't understand why people say "Sorry"!?! I am happy to go back home and see my parents.
I cannot help, but respond to them, "you should not be sorry. You should wish me luck and be happy for me to go back home and see my parents."
They were silient. It made me think I was doing something wrong. If you were I how do you approach this? Thank you so much!
By the way, many American people think I am very outspoken. Even African American women said, I am a sweet Thai lady, but I do have my moments. I am aware of my behavior is NOT acceptable in Thailand. I am nervous and don't want to put my foot in my mount and hurt people feelings.
How do I deal with this? Counts 1 to 10? Shut the h**l up? Please help me!