
Please help? I think Ill never recover

by  |  earlier

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Ok so my friend and I got in a HUGE fight. SO the last two days Ive been really down cuz I think I have no friends. Well my BFFL is always there for me, and Ive told er how i feel left out and how i think everyone hates me and stuff. And she never told me she thought it was annoying. And then she just snapped at me (and shze was being so mean lately) SO I said ***** you ur a s**+ tty friend. Tom im leaving for vacation and I know shes gonna write a nasty email saying how bad of a friend i am and how shes not my friend.

Im speechless.

PLease help me.

ANd dont put a mean comment cuz seriously ull make me kill myself (not really but u know)




  1. She's a jackass. I've been in this situation before so listen up, Here's what you need to do:

    1) Take a deep breath.

    2) Send her an email that says:

    You've always been there for me when I needed you. You've stood by me and you've given me a shoulder to cry on. But best of all, when I felt really down like I've been feeling recently, you've been my friend, my rock. That's why you hurt me so much. Maybe I've been annoying, but that's no excuse for ______(whatever she did) you should've told me how you felt instead of lashing out. I really want to be your friend, but I'm feel betrayed and hurt. I'm sorry I annoyed you, but please believe that was not my intention.

  2. WOW... BFFL's dont do that they get mad for like 2 or 3 days then they make up... when she emails you nasty c**p just tell her i didnt do anything to offend you or hurt your feelings you are just one of my BFFL's and i think i could trust you enough for me to vent about my life every once in a while. but im sorry you are mad and i hope this all will blow over and we will look bback when we're 50 and say d*mn weve been friends for a long time....

    hope i helped youh!!!

  3. maybe she just got tired of listening to you complain about your life. i mean did you ask her if she had any problems of her own? i would kinda get mad to if all my friends did was complain.

    why did you call her a s**+ tty friend, she has been listening to you until she got tired of it.   wow...maybe you were being the bad friend.

  4. aww im sorry.

    but just tel her that your sorry for saying that(if you are sorry)

    and that you were just feeling bad and sad. tell her that she should of told you before how she felt cuz you care about her too.

    Good luck and don't feel bad :)

  5. awhh ): i am sorry to hear that.

    she is just being a total jackass.

    try to talk things over with her.

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