
Please help I took a 800mg ibprofen nd I feel sick nd threw up?

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Did I overdose? I wiegh 100lbs nd I'm 14 male




  1. Sometimes ibuprofen will make your stomach upset, especially if you've taken it on an empty stomach. Try to eat something, a few crackers at the very least. I know that 800 mg is the max adult dose, so you might want to stick with what is prescribed for your age/weight. Take care of yourself.

  2. No, you did not but Ibuprofen has to be taken with food because it's very irritating to your stomach.

    Did you take it on an empty stomach? That's why.

  3. no you did not overdose but you are supposed to take it w/food.800 mg of ibuprofen is just like taking 4 advil,also if you are taking any other meds you should consult w/your dr to see if they interact with each other. it all depends on your family history and what you may be allergic to.  

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