
Please help!! Im 15 and I think something might be wrong with my p***s...?

by  |  earlier

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hello I'm 15 and I haven't gone through puberty yet and I think that there is something wrong with my testicles because my left t******e is bigger than my right one but on my left t******e there is a little ball at the bottom of it which feels like all my little t******e tubes or glands or whatever they are are tangled and I want to know is this normal...also when I m********e i can only release a bit of sperm which just comes out the top of my p***s and rolls down the side and this sperm is clear ...also my p***s is only an inch long and about 3 or 4 when its erect can any body tell me what to do and if thease are normal




  1. uh


  2. It is not unusual to have one t******e larger than the other, in fact its common, as are the TUBES entering the base of one.As for the fluid,if it is not being PUMPED out its more likley to be the lubricating flud that WILL carry SPERM later.Dont get woried yet,your growing up and it takes time.  

  3. the left t******e is usually bigger than the right, so dont worry too much. also your p***s is "pathetic" because u hav'nt reached puberty yet

    hope i helped

  4. everything except the t******e sounds normal, you NEED to get that checked

  5. No one here can give you an adequate answer , you really should see an urologist.

  6. Take me down to PARANOIA city where the grass could be green or it could be pretty!


    if you war ethta bothred about these gland that have tangled and ae life threatening see your GP. As for teh puberty thing we all develop at diff times and if u can *** u ahve started puberty see your doctor if u are worried.

  7. I think you sud make an apointment at the doctor, it does sound a little strange.


  8. well you have obviously gone through puberty because you can pre ejaculate so thats a sign that you are going through puberty and i think you should the docotor about the balls thing.

  9. because you havn't gone through puberty yet you wont be able to ejaculate properly, most testicals are slightly different sizes, and 1 hangs lower than the other.

    as for the 'little ball' it probably is just your tubes but if your concerned see a doctor.

    i did'nt start puberty till afer 15, i had to see the doctor and get sustanon injections to start puberty.

  10. If I was you I would speak to your school nurse. Don't feel embarrassed, it is better to be safe than sorry!

  11. if those tubes are tangled u need help immediately.

    go to the E.R. because that is a t******e torsion. it can lead to a dead t******e. if u have had that for a long time then its not tubes tide.

    but sometimes little pea shaped bumbs on your testes can be real early signs of testicular cancer.

  12. Your 15, your fine, give it a yera and if the probolem persists consult your doctor. lol

    Erm nah look up on the internet "how to check your balls" or somthing along thoes lines, i remember seein a door hang card with that on, so that should sort u out maby? :)

  13. Wow, that's pretty detailed?

    If you haven't gone through puberty yet, why the h**l are you smacking it off anyway? I recommend you just stop beating off for a while (3-5 days). Find something productive to do.

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