
Please help. Insect/Animal making click sounds at night?

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What animal/insect makes 3 clicks at night?

last night I heard clicking noises, usually in 3's? What animal is this? i got really scared because it was dark in my rom and everytime i tried to go to sleep i would hear a loud clicking noise. i couldn't go to sleep last night. please help me and tell me what this is!!! i wil choose a best answer. thank you.




  1. If it is an animal, it may be a species of click beetles. They are very common- particularly when it is hot, and are nocturnal. Clicking is mainly used to avoid predation, although it is also useful when the beetle is on its back and needs to right itself. So it could be that.

    Other than that, I don't know of many common animals that make a distinct 'clicking' sound. It could be an appliance or other device, not animals at all.

    : ) Happy trails.  

  2. Coincidentally, vampires also make 3 clicks the night BEFORE they decide to strike...

  3. i dunno

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