
Please help! My hamster is dying and I think he's overheating!?

by  |  earlier

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We're putting cool water into his mouth with a dropper and trying to cool him off. He's not moving but he's breathing. He was in my room and out air conditionally suddenly broke. He also may have had mites, so which one do you think was the problem? (My room was really warm)





  1. dont panick put some ice in his cage and take him to the vet now or call for help immedietly!

  2. Do not soak him!! Dropping water into his mouth is fine but do not soak him. If you soak him it will more then cool him it will give him hypothermia. Hamsters are not as hardy as rats you need to be extremely careful, they are never to get wet. Bring him to the coolest place in your house (usually the basement) if you truly believe he is hot which very well might be the case. If his breathing is labored in anyway it is even more important you bring him to the vet. If he does have mites they can drain so much blood that he will die so you need to bring him to a vet immediately it can also be the cause of his lethargy as they drain a lot of blood. Don't fool around take him to the vet ASAP they are the only ones that can really give you the best advice. ALSO buy brand new shavings from a pet store (never buy shavings any where else as they most likely have no been treated to get rid of mites and paracites) if you suspect mites and get him treated immediatly.

  3. Does his body feel much warmer than it usually does?  Is he breathing heavily?  If not, he isn't overheated.  If it is, you have to get his body wet to cool him down right away.  You will see his breathing go back to normal.  Don't get him too cold.  Then, if his brain wasn't damaged, he will recover gradually.  

    Mites would not cause this kind of problem.

  4. Don't Panic and go to the Vet if you can afford it, if you can't then do the same thing that you are doing and make sure it is not hot in your room try to get it as cold as you can [Not freezing] and if you have a fan put that on him!

    I hope he is Ok!! :)

    If he doesn't make it then it is ok cause you will see him someday! :)

  5. Try getting a paper towel damp with cool water, and laying it over him.

    Hopefully he cools off.  :/  What i usually do for my rats (so you might not be able to do that since their cages are huge) is get a water bottle, freeze it, and then wrap it in a wash cloth so I know that if something happens to the fans, they can lay near it for coldness.

  6. how long have you had this hamster? they arent supposed to live that long, maybe it's his time to go....[[that's sad]] maybe you should get another animal with a longer life span.

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