My rats(two male blue fancy rats, 7 months old) are exhibiting signs of illness. But, this is not the first time. You see, we bought them at Petsmart(big mistake, I now know) and when we got them home they were sneezing. I thought it was the type of sneezing rats can have when they come in to a new environment, but soon I started to see a red, blood-like chemical around their noses, and one was growing very lethargic. So, we took them back to Petsmart; their warranty on new pets says that you can take them back to the store if they are sick within the 14 days that you bought them, and either get new rats, get your money back, or get them free treatment at Banfield veterinary clinic. We chose to get them treatment. So, just yesterday(about 2 and a half weeks from when we brought them back), the store called and said "They have taken their antibiotics and are fully healed." We thought great, so we went to pick them up. I didn't hear sneezing in their carrier on the way home, but now that they're back in out home, they are sneezing occasionally and have some(very little) red around their noses. Last night, i heard one sort of make a hiccuping sound in his sleep, but it stopped within 10 seconds, when he changed sleeping positions. Am I being paranoid? Could they be allergic to something in our house? What do I do, I don't want them to suffer!