
Please help! My son 10, is sick, 103.3 temp, what do I do?

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He came home sick after playing with friends, hes just got over a cold, Ive given him kids tylenol, Popsicle's, juice, cold rads, ice for his forehead, its been over 2 hours since I knew he had fever, it has not come down. I am a scared Mama, Ive been giving him kids vitamins since his cold, and always in the past whenever giving him vitamins, he's come down with fever, but not like this! What do I go now? How long should I wait to take him to hospital if it gets worde? HELP PLEASE!




  1. 1

    Take his temperature. High fevers can lead to seizures in children who are prone to them. If your child has a very high temperature (greater than 103 degrees F measured by an oral thermometer), is lethargic, is very irritable or refuses to eat, or if he doesn't respond to fever-reducing medication, contact a doctor.


    Check his breathing. If your child is having respiratory difficulties such as wheezing or rapid breathing, get him to a doctor immediately. This is especially important if your child is asthmatic.


    Consider allergies. If your child has one or more severe food or environmental allergies, seek treatment immediately when you know or suspect that he has been exposed.


    Go to a doctor if your child falls or bumps her head hard enough to lose consciousness'even a mild concussion can be dangerous. An inability to remember the events surrounding the injury may also indicate a concussion. Look for confusion and drowsiness as warning signs of more serious problems.


    Talk to your child. If she is unresponsive or semiconscious, or has trouble focusing her eyes, get medical help immediately or call 911.


    Seek help for cuts if you have trouble stopping the bleeding, or if the cut is deep and severe enough to require stitches.


    Call the doctor if your child is vomiting frequently or has severe diarrhea. The doctor will be able to tell you how to monitor your child for dehydration, and will let you know whether to come in.


    Call a poison-control hotline if you think your child has ingested anything toxic. The staff will be able to tell you what to do and whether the situation is a medical emergency.


    Seek medical attention if your child complains of a severe headache, especially if it's accompanied by a stiff neck and a fever'these symptoms sometimes signal meningitis.


    Whenever in doubt, call your doctor, or call 911 in an emergency. It's always better to be on the safe side.  

  2. Go to a hospital NOW. That is a dangerous temperature!

  3. Take him to the hospital like as soon as possible. A 102 fever is high. A 103 is INSANE. Well, What are you doing reading this? Go to the doctors now! Go! Go!

  4. take him to the doctor or hospital NOW I MEAN NOW

  5. If the fever does not come down soon, take him to the hospital. What they do now is alternate tylenol and motrin for a fever. Give tylenol, then in 4 hours give motrin, then in 4 hours tylenol again and keep going like that until the fever is below 101. Kids do run high fevers but the danger is febrile seizures. Some kids will have a seizure with a high fever. I hope he is better soon.

  6. Take him to the hospital  A.S.A.P before it gets worse..

  7. wait a couple of hours for it to go down and if it hasnt gotten better within a day or two definetly take him to the doctor!!

  8. call his pediatrician - they should be able to page him-- or just call hospital and ask  

  9. its not going to go down really fast... he is sick so it will take some time... if it gets up to 104 take him to the doctor...

    hope he gets better.

  10. Take him to the hospital now.

  11. Friend---I suggest you put him him in a bathtub of tepid to cool water----apply cool wet wash-rags to his arm-pits and groin. The largest blood vessels of the body come closest to the surface at these not leave a cold compress on for longer than 10 minutes at a time----keep compress's cool as they rapidly do become warm. Give Children Tylenol every two hours alternating with children Motrin every two hours.---like this: lets say you give two C. Tylenol @ 10:00----if fever hasn't broken at 12:00 you would then give two C. Motrin---if at 2:00am fever isn't broken----give two more childrens tylenol----you are checking temp at every two hours to determine the need for more.---watch for seizures (a danger in high-fevers)---if temp goes above 104 take him to the E.R.

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