
Please help. One of my cats is acting crazy all of a sudden.?

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I have 2 cats, one boy and one girl. They are both 3 yrs old and are fixed. I ususually let them out a couple of days out of the week to get some air cuz their house cats. One day the boy snuck out and was out for about 5hrs, way longer than I usually let them out. Ever since then, the girl has been hissing at him as if she doesn't know him anymore. They can't even eat together because she's always on edge and in defense mode like she will attack any minute. What the h**l is going on? What's wrong with her, and what about him is so different that it's driving her crazy? And how long will this last?




  1. ooooh he cheated on her!!! lol jk

    same thing happened with my cats. the female got very territorial and she literally kicked her own brother out of my house. he's now fully an outdoor cat, i dont even see him anymore because she doesnt let him near the house. so he lives somewhere in my neighborhood. and she's an outdoor/indoor cat. there's no way of really stopping it. cats are naturally territorial and if they want their space, they're going to get it. unfortunately, i cant offer any advice. but i can say from experience that cats do just fine as outdoor or out/indoor cats regardless of what a vet tells you. i think cats that are out are probably healthier.

    well if it is about the scents. maybe your cat got involved with other cats and the female was offended. then you can always just give the cat a bath and maybe the other one will get over it.

  2. I have a boy and a girl cat too and they are the same i might be because she can smell anouther cats sent on him or somthing like that . x

  3. How long has it been? try bathing him, he could have picked up the scent of another animal and she's frightened. She needs to be re-desensitized to his presence. If you leave food out all the time, take it away and feed them only a few times a day. This gets them excited about the food itself and she may be more distracted by the food and more likely to focus on eating then him.

    Also try to get them to play in the same room. get a laser pointer or a string to drag around so that she will be distracted by that and won't pay as much attention to him.

    I can't 100% gaurantee that they'll get along again but they should at least learn to tolerate eachother.

    in the meantime I would keep them both inside for awhile. If he is going so far from home you risk him getting injured while out adventuring. my mother has all indoor/outdoor cats and pretty much all of them have been injured at some point in their lives weather by another cat or dog, a mean person (they are all very friendly and will come up to strangers for pets) and several have been hit by cars.

    I take my cats out on leashes for a bit every week, they lounge about in the grass and chase bugs and I can make sure they stay in the yard. They are each on 20ft leashes attached to harneses (they didn't like the collars). sometimes I stay with them and sometimes I stake the leashes and leave them out for a few hours.

  4. I might because since he got outside and stayed out there for a long period of time......he might have been around other animals while he was outside.......and maybe when he came in the house she was probably offended by the scent of the other animal on your cat.............

    cuz one time when I petting someone elses cat....I came back into the house and he was hissing and growling at me so that could be the case with your cat.......

    also try to look and see.......if theres any bite marks on your cat.......jus to make sure it didnt get hurt by any other animal

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