
Please help...Proteins involved in DNA transcription?

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I need to know a protein that is involved in DNA transcription. I have read my text book...unless I'm just not understanding the question. Thanks!!!




  1. Try one of the enzymes that are involved. Enzymes are proteins.

  2. RNA polymerase

  3. enzyme: RNA polymerase

  4. There are MANY MANY proteins involved in transcription. The enzyme responsible for actually doing the enzymatic work of transcription (ie. making mRNA from the DNA) is called RNA Polymerase.

    There are others but depending on whether you're talking about prokaryotic life or eukaryotic life the names and number vary greatly.

    If you need a few more: Here are some other eukaryotic transcription associated protieins:




    TBP (TATA binding protein)


  5. OK, here's sort of a pick up line that might help  you remember one of the enzymes - DNA Helicase

    "If I could be an enzyme, I'd want to be DNA Helicase so I could unzip your genes!"  :)

    i think it's funny anyway -

    a bit more technical ....

    DNA helicase is an enzyme that aids in DNA sythesis by 'unzipping' the two strands of a DNA helix so that DNA polymerase can access teh DNA to add nucleotides and effect copying.

    still might have more fun w/ the first version and it's a LOT easier to remember!  :)

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