My son is 12 and has several mental conditions, he is in special ed in the public school system right now, has an IEP and all that, even an advocate. He's at the top of his class and was on the "B" honor roll. Well about 2 months ago his grades started falling behind and he started to show signs of extreme stress and anxiety. I have been trying for a month to get whats wrong out of him when finally last night he broke down and just spilled it all out. I found out that he is being severely bullied and harrassed. To me that constitutes as NOT the least restrictive enviroment. This is the 3rd time this year. My question, Can I pull him out of the public system and force them to pay to hire a personal teacher in my home. I would love to do it myself but I am afraid that I wont be able to teach him well enough to pass my states requirements. I live in Illinois. Does anyone out there know the answer to this? or even advice would be great. Thanks