Ok, my current PE unit at my school is a volleyball unit which all the players have different roles. I am coach.
My current drills are
Warmup: Stretches, and 'suicide runs' (Kind of like beep test)
Sets: One member of the team stands on na chair, throws the ball underarm to a team member, and if they get it back cleanly they step backwards 1 step until they are a total of 8 steps back
Digs: 'Dig square' very basic, just what the name says, standing in a square and trying to keep the ball up as long as possible using digs.
Serve shootout: Using your perfered serving style, you have 5 attempts, and the most accurate server wins
Do you think this is appropriate for a year 9 (13-14 years) level?
Can you suggest any other suitable drills?