I came across a funny transaction on my Fiance credit card statement. After futher investigation, i found that the expense/money spent was at a brothel!!!
The date the transaction went through was two days after we got engaged over the weekend. We usually spend weekends together and i probably would have spent that weekend together too.
I questioned him about the transaction and i was really upset but he said that he lent his credit card to his bestfriend, who dosnt have a credit card nor a girlfriend as he wanted to get his rocks of.
I dont know wether i should beleive him. We were sexually active the couple of days before that transaction and there is a possibility that he was with me...but i dont know if i should trust him or not...
This happend in Feb and i found out two months ago. He proposed on Valentines day 14th Feb and the transaction was on the 16th.
He vows that it was his friend and that he was with me. Pls help....we have been planning a wedding and this has made me unhappy and has lead me lose my trust in him. His friend wanted to talk to me and tell me that it was him and he has caused this mess but i dont want to talk to him.
What is your opinion? Would you give your CC to a freind to go to a brothel guys ?We have been together for 8 years now and have a home together(bought as an investment, we dont live together)!!!
Thank You in advance.