
Please help! Which type of dwarf hamster?

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We are going to get 2 dwarf hamsters so my parents can put them in the lobby of their clinic for kids to watch, but we don't know which kind. I know their are robos, campbells, winter whites, and russians, right?

Basically we need some that are more likely to be awake during the day. I know they are nocturnal, but usually in the pet store i see syrians sleeping, how much do dwarfs sleep? We want something that will be out and about atleast most of the day to be entertaining.

I know campbells are easier to hold and robos are harder to hold, and they won't be held very much except when my mom cleans out their tank. Which type would be best? And can you tell me a little about each any of these breeds, because i haven't found any helpful sites yet, thanks!




  1. I just got a baby Russian dwarf today and she is soooo sweet! Never been held until today and hasn't bit. She is up and active when awake but she takes a lot of short naps then is up running around!!

    I say get a Russian dwarf small, cute, and need smaller cages then regular hamsters.

    P.S Syrians can NOT be kept together they will FIGHT. Mostly all hamsters fight. Just get one unless you want two cages.

  2. Get a robo dwarf. I have one and he is very active. He likes to run on his wheel... ALOT!!!

  3. Firstly -

    Each dwarf hamster has a different personality. Some hamsters are active for few hours during the day time and some hamsters are active only in the night or early hours of the morning. Some hamsters are too shy to come out of their cages when there is activity in the house. They only come out their nests when the house is dark and quiet. Hence very difficult to say if the dwarf hamsters you get would be active during the day time or not.

    Secondly -

    They are not the correct pets to put in a public area since they take time to get used to being handled by one person only and with all the kids surrounding them, they can get very stressed out and become bitey or ill. Hamsters are quiet creatures and require a dim peaceful  area without much lights or sounds. Hence they are not the right pets for the lobby area.

    Thirdly -

    Hamsters have to be held and interacted with often for them to be tame. Otherwise dwarf hamsters would be untamed for life and will bite anyone who would try to hold them.

    Fourthly -

    You are right about dwarfs. Campbells, winter whites and chinese are easier to hold but robos are very hyperactive and are not the kind that would like to be held.

    I have attached a summary of each type for your reading -

    Dwarf russian campbells and dwarf winter white russian Hamsters are much less tolerant of clumsy handling than the Syrian Hamster and so are not a suitable pet for younger children. This fact, together with their small size and lively nature means they are a pet more suited to older teenagers and adults. Russian hamsters are socialable and therefore prefer the company of another and so are best kept in pairs or small groups.

    Chinese hamsters, although small, require a relatively large cage. They are usually very placid natured and tend to be "quiet" and less lively when handled than the other species of hamsters and so are more suitable for young children than Russian Hamsters. However, due to their small size and timid nature they can be difficult to catch and a young child will find a Syrian Hamster a more suitable pet.

    Roborovski hamsters are extremely small and fast making them very difficult to handle even by adults. They are sociable and an amusing pet to observe because of their lively and fast nature but they not a pet that is easily handled. Roborovski hamsters also require a large cage due to their highly active nature.

  4. There is something called tortiseshell hamsters and they tend to be the nicests.have fun choosen them!

  5. Ah, I don't think dwarf hamsters are quite a good pet for a clinic. Syrian would be better. But make sure you interact and play with them often. My hamster is a beautiful color of pinkish gold and very very tolerable. Even in the clumsy and a slightly rough hands of my eight year old brother. In fact, she loves him. She will never bite on purpose and doesn't mind being waken up from slumber.

    But, if I had to choose, fish would be much easier and better for a lobby. Plus, they amuse children easily.

  6. i have 2 winter whites and i LOVE them!!! they are sooo nice and all the ones in the store were nice i didnt know which one to choose! also, they are a little bigger than chinese and robos so their easier to handle. plus, you can get them in three colors: saphire, normal, and pearl!!

    it depends on the hamster how much they sleep....with mine one sleeps most of the day but the other is awake most of the day!!

    good luck and hope i helped!!

  7. You missed out Chinese hamster which can only have 2 males together not females but i personally would have 2 winter whites as i know they can be kept in pairs and groups and are easier to hold and they are really cute hope this helped good luck!

  8. dont get them. in order to have a good quality .life, hamsters need to be held daily. if you want something pretty thatll be up during the day, get a fish.

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