
Please help!!! Why does she do this?

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Hello. I'm a full-time college student & part-time worker. I still live at home with my mom. My mother annoys me at times & it's getting worse. I have become very short with her. She'll ask me the same questions over & over again. For example, I was looking up a menu online & it was uploading, and she kept reaching for the computer to see the menu, even though there clearly was just a blank screen. I had to keep telling her, "I'm still bringing it up." Last weekend she told me if I stay home and help her clean, we could go out on Sat. I usually procrastinate but I've learned it's better to get it over with so I can enjoy my weekend. I helped her clean Fri, then Sat. she said she wanted to stay home & clean some more. I reminded her about her promise to me, she said we could go out Sun. I talked to her and she agreed we could go out. The other day I had a doctor's appt, and she didn't even ask me how it went. When she has an appt. I always talk to her about it. Also, lately she's been putting down my comments like the other day we saw a man walk when there was a green light. And I said what is he doing. My mom goes well the light did change it didn't he started across the street too late he should have waited but I kept it too myself. My mom whispers b/c she doesn't want my bro to hear some of our conversations, but she does this even when he's on a diff floor. Sometimes, she whispers about stuff that doesn't matter, and I'm like why are we whispering. My bro has been abusive in the past & I think my mom is a little paranoid. She also drinks a lot; I hate it when she does b/c she doesn't make much sense. Lastly, she talks to me ALL the time. I'm an introvert and am going to go crazy if I don't get some time to myself. There's more but it'll will be longer than it already is. Thanks for you help!!!

Please note: I don't have my own room so I can't just be by myself, so sometimes I walk home and listen to music which is relaxing.




  1. When you can move out.

    Your mom has some issues, maybe suggest a hobby or counseling group or some type of group so see can get out.

  2. you mom is going through menopause she changing and plus she drinks even wost. you live in you moms house so she's the boss

    you can do several things, move out and find a room mate

    or stay at home and take her c**p

    I wan in you same situation my mom was just like that and this is what i did

    I did all the cooking i would clean with out her telling me i would wash

    my own clothing wash the dishes and buy the grocery's

    and guess what happened?

    she changed she realized that I wasn't a child any more and started to treat me like an adult now we talk like 2 adults she respect me now

    you sound like a spoiled brat, dude! your a mama's boy and she will treat you like a kid if you keep this up!

    look you have only one place to go and that  place is called


    your gonna get old theres nothing you can do about it so start to grow up now

    take charge of you life  now!  don't be mean to your mom and demand to be respected it wont work like that.

    you can only do it by example so show her that you can fend for your self

    you actually wrote that she has to ask you to clean so you can go out?

    dude!  what the heck is that all about?

    you have to go out with your mom? man no wonder she treats you like a kid!

    hey if i sound mean I'm sorry but that your mom and you have to respect her

    and you work and go to school so that showing me that you can do it so go the extra step

    and be a man stop depending on your mom

    don't blame her shes still the same person that she always has been

    your the one thats changing so change in the right direction and  be a man

    go out when you want to aether way your going to have to do it eventually   because one day you will get married and have kids and it will be the same thing all over again so grow up  

  3. hey , that's life what does not make us weaker makes us stronger , i guess in a way your mom sees you for that little boy forgetting that you are growing up and this should teach you a lesson that there is ways to deal with things , for example why not sit your mom down and talk to her tell her what bugs you and what you don't like make a suggestion of doing things and take it from there , also give her a hearing and understand where she is coming from , its difficult you know being a mom and adapting to the fact that your kids are growing , in my opinion she depends on you more than you think and know , this you need to her from her , by your question you a good person helping her and being there , also you are growing up and need your space to find out who are you and space fro growth and change in your life , good luck and remember communication is a tool that can break all boundaries  

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