
Please help!! Would you consider this child abuse? ?

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I have three kids by my ex husband. We no longer live in the same state together.He's in Kansas, I'm in Iowa. During the kids summer vacation with their dad they came home and told me that my daughter who is 6 years old had an accident in her pants. Her step mother made her stay in her room for 2 day and not allowed to come out except to eat and go to the bathroom. My 3 children have also told me that their stepmother hits them on the back of the head with her palm and and she hits their back. I don't want my children to be around her anymore. I just wanted to get some feedback on this to see if anyone had an opinion on whether or not they think its child abuse. Myself I feel it is. Thanks for your comments.




  1. sick  my stomach turned when i read the part about 2 days in the bedroom.   Sometimes kids can exaggerate but i smell something fishy and so do you.  I would investigate-communicate-and get to the bottom of this today!  

  2. I could never allow a step mother to treat my children in that manner.  Expecially if the children come from an upbringing where treatment of that nature has never happened before.  I got an idea… you go down there and smack her in the back of head then lock her in a bedrooom for two days and ask her is she finds it abusive.  I’d also give your ex a really good talking too.

  3. In my opinion, it is definitely child abuse. Don't expose your children to this situation!

  4. I live in Iowa too, and my mother hits me with a metal yard stick. i consider that abuse, but I'm too scared to tell anyone. I wouldn't let your children go through that, because they we grow up hating her.  Dont be chicken like me, tell someone.

  5. It IS child abuse!!! that's definitely not the right way to treat children.. Does your ex-husband know about that?? you should talk to her and hear her side of the story though..

  6. First of all, tell your chidren that they did not deserve the punishment that they received from that lady. And the next time she does it, call 9-1-1. Put that tramp behind bars. And what does the children's father have to say about this?

    Take a special trip to Kansas, and slap that tramp like pimp slapping one of his whores!!!!!

  7. Keeping a child in a room for 2 days is neglect... even with letting her eat and go to the bathroom.

    Her having an accident is a sign of emotional stress, perhaps from being away from you or dealing with a mean step-mother.

    You need to confront the ex husband, and then try to get full custody if nothing is resolved.  

  8. Definitly, you should fight for child custody, don't put your kids through that.

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