
Please help! a 'meeting the parents' issue?

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im 21 years old and i live in new york. my boyfriend (22), also lives in ny but came from Los Angeles, Ca. He and his family have invited me to go to LA over winter break (after the holidays) to meet them. by that time we would be together for over a year. i have no problem with this trip and we are both excited about it. nothing is definite yet.

here is where i need help: my mom.

i live with my mom alone. shes upset that i want to go to LA to meet his parents without her. she says that the right thing to do is to meet the family with your own family (which in my case is my mother).

we wouldnt be sleeping in the same room together. his family is pretty excited about me going over there.....

what do i do about this? i really want to go, but i really feel that i should go on this trip on my own and then on the next trip she could come... am i wrong in thinking this?




  1. no your mom shouldnt go this is your time so they can get to know you first... and you can know how they are an then the next trip you can update you mom on how they do things down there an stuff you know what im saying, dont feel bad she should understand but if she doesnt oh well just go she'll get over it...good luck

  2. No. Your mom should stay out of it. You need to go alone and meet his family. And then when your relationship progresses, and the time is right, your mom can go and meet his family as well.

    Be honest with your mom, and let her know that this is something you need to do on your own.

  3. call them and see if she can come?

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