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more than likely will a bleeding stomach ulcer kill you and how do you get a very severe stomach ulcer and can you have surgery to get a ulcer out




  1. many things can cause an ulcer from stress because it release chemicals in your body that irritate your stomach, to types of foods, most common are milk products, sugars, sodas, and spicy foods, that can also irriatate your stomach.

    you can die from an ulcer if you dont fix it. death results from having low blood count from the bleeding. But doesnt happen too fast, one usually is in the hospital from passing out before it happens. and the bleed has to be a decent size.

    if you know you have this you can see a dr. and there are medications like protonix that can heal stomach ulcers over a peroid of time.

    symptoms of a gi bleed, are black tarry stool which is old blood. and has a sticky sweet smell. bright red blood is usually lower gi bleed in stools or hemmorhoids.

    having a EGD. is a scope they can put in your mouth and thread it down. alot of times they can cauterize the bleed if its active threw this scope.

    hope this helped

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