
Please help answer my question on IUI treatment xx?

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I'm currently having IUI treatment. I started puregon injections on day 3 (dose of 50) I'm currently on day 11.

When I went for my scan yesterday I was told I had a few small eggs but no eggs currently large enough. I was told to come back on day 12 for another scan. I was just wondering, when having an assisted cycle, on what day of the cycle is the sperm inseminated in IUI treatment? I know everybody is probably different but I just wondered when it roughly is. I'm scared I might miss my Chance this month if I don't have a large egg by tomorrow! Please help and thanks in advance! xx




  1. The general answer to your question is that IUI is done when the eggs are ready. This usually happens when they reach about 17-19 mm in size, although it's the RE's call as to the exact sizes. A lot depends on what the patient has done in previous cycles. Once the follicles reach an optimal size, a trigger shot of hCG is given and the IUI is usually done about 40 hours after that, although most programs don't worry about the hour and just do it 1-2 days later.

    Good luck!!

  2. I'm not sure what effect the Puregon will have on ovulation, but I do know that Clomid delays ovulation by an average of 4 days, so that might be a similar thing with your injectibles. Right now I would not worry, and simply be sure to ask your doctor when s/he anticipates doing the IUI. The reason they're having you in every other day is simply because they don't want to miss the window of opportunity. I'm sure you'll probably be totally fine, but do ask them, just for your own peace of mind, OK? Good luck!

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