
Please help answer question about a scrotal piercing?

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Two days ago I got a scrotal piercing located at the very bottom of my s*****m sac. I haven't had any complications, but I have noticed a white milky substance beginning to leak a little through the piercing. Is this the normal part of healing? One of my worries is that the piercer could have punctured one of the tubes that connect to the testicles... could this be the case? please help!




  1. I think that you should call your doctor ASAP.  Nobody (including me) on YahooAnswers is neceserily a specialist and I think that just in case you should get it checked out.  Good Luck!

  2. The tubes on your testes are located near the tops of them, and your piercing is at the bottom of your sac, so I don't think that it's your man-parts oozing out.  

    It's probably just getting slightly infected...  After all, you wear pants and underwear nearly all day long and it rubs on them and gets irritated easily, causing bacteria to get it.  Clean it with rubbing alcohol, it'll burn, but it'll help kill the bacteria.  DON'T USE PEROXIDE, as that causes damage to the sensitive tissues.  Apply antibacterial cream and apply a small amount to the area after washing your hands.  Cleanliness is the key.

    I'd still at least call your piercer and ask if it's "normal," if he finds it questionable, he'll be interested in checking it out for you and referring you to get medical help if necessary.

    I hope this "clears" things up for you.

  3. 1)  I agree with whoever thought you were not being smart by asking strangers on Y!A rather than seeing a doctor, and

    2)  EW.   I don't see why you would WANT that in the first place!

  4. YES    SEE A DOC

  5. Tried to reply to your email, got the failure-to-deliver thing so I thought I would reply here. You need to go back to your peircer and show him. He will know for sure what happened and be able to guide you. If you are in that much pain, you should go to the ER as soon as possible. A little milky substance doesn't worry me too much, but GO SHOW THE GUY WHO PIERCED YOU. Seriously. Your fertility may be at stake.

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