
Please help.... best answer 10pts?

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i went to a clothing website and it said the price is £35.00, i want to know whats this £ means and how much is this £35.00?




  1. It stands for pounds. I would suggest buying from a local website. You will need to pay shipping and customs charges, and it may not be worth it in the end.

  2. its stands for euro.

    its like $51

  3. £ is pounds, which is british. The price is probably about $40 or $45.

  4. umm that means pounds, its british currency, and one pound equals about 1.8 dollars, so that means like $70. I think that you know what it means though, because the only way you could have made that symbol is if you typed it on a british keyboard, because american keyboards don't have the pound sign. unless you copied and pasted it from the site.

  5. It is probably like around 50-70 us dollars

  6. thats the sign for euro which is the currency in most of Europe. since the dollar is weak right now it will cost almost twice as much in dollars.

    u can check if they ship to the us or wherever you live.

    hope that helps! (=

  7. 35.00 pounds... and probably a lot of money since our exchange rate sucks.

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