is a double double ray crowntail expensive?? i have a female which is a double double ray crowntail, when i bought her she was not colorful she did not "show of" her fins and she looks like a cheap betta thats why the owner of the pet store offered me a low price for her, her color was dull then, he did'nt even know that she was a double double ray he only told me she was a crowntail thats all, after i took her back in the house i fed her good food not commercial foods, live foods then for a week her body "bloomed" and she did get big i mean not fat but she did gain some length, is it abnormal? my male betta fish did not grew that fast.. and can i breed her with a half moon betta male? her color is metalic green that sometimes turns to metallic blue (body) and her head is black and the rays are red and the color in between is a metalic green that sometime turns to a metallic blue.. please help...