
Please help boyfriend and his friends seen me with wet pants?

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i was on my way to my house from school, and him and his friends walked me home. and before you knew it i was dripping of pee! and he just started staring at me and we were pretty close to my drive way and so i just ran and cry at the same time! and tomorrow i have to see him at this cook out and I HAVE TO GO

most of the time i wet the bed and don't worry i wear Good Nights at night so should i wear them tomorrow and if wet the good night again should i start wearing them everyday??? by the way i am 14




  1. More than that you should go see a doctor to find what you can do to stop from doing it anymore.  As far as I know generally wetting yourself can be stopped by therapy and simple changes but if it is a serious medical problem you're going to want to get that diagnosed as soon as possible.  You shouldn't have to go everyday wearing goodnights, that would be miserable

  2. You HAVE TO GO to the cook out? Or you HAVE TO GO pee?

  3. thats a really severe problem you have being fourteen and having that problem it must be tough. yea i would were them to the cookout and act like it never happened be confident and laugh and if it does come up just say i thought of somthing f-in hilarious and if he asks u what just tell him the funniest thing that ever happened to you. but make sure you wear a pant that when you bend over it won't show the rim of the "good nights"

    good luck

  4. You should see a doctor if you haven't already. Chronically feeling like you have to pee and wetting yourself sounds like a medical condition like an infection, diabetes, cystitis or bladder dysfunction.

  5. If u still wet your bed you shouldnt have a boyfriend. Tackle one problem at a time. 1st handle your bladder problem, then move onto boys!

  6. Bedwetting is a serious issue consult your doctr they should be able to help you with some resolution.

  7. Do you have uranal problems and have you consulted a doctor because this could be a serous problem with your uterus or intestines. And if you just have that habit I suggest you start trying to control it because it could get a lot more embarrising as you get older. Yes you should wear them just in case. But I think the bigger problem is what you gunna tell him as an excuse.... If I were you I would tell him it was your period and you were PMSing and also embarrised that they saw your period weting your pants because you forgot to wear a pad so you ran inside crying. He should believe it unless he actually saw the color of the liquid, in that case hes not stupid so he should know that periods are red unless hes color blind. If you know for sure that he knows it was pee then just tell him the truth and if he really likes you he'll understand and won't care. Thats a really tuff situation and I wish you all my best luck! Hope I helped!!!!

  8.   I usually light my f**t on fire when that happens... it makes me feel strong !!

  9. If he is ur boyfriend he should be alittle more understanding. My lil sis had the same prob..she grew out of it at 15.

    The best thing is to tell him ur situation...Its a medical thing so its not ur fault so dont feel embaressed. Maybe talk to ur parents and see a doctor. They have stuff to help with that

  10. well i wet the bed also when i was 13 offer to have s*x he will forget all about it or just tell him the truth if he likes you he wont care

  11. some times it helps to just explain what is going on, if he does not understand whether he is embarrassed or plain ignorant it probably is for the best...

  12. basically... if you're wetting yourself when you're awake you should probably see someone about that, it isn't the same as bed wetting if it's conscious, depends if you were feeling EXTREMELY nervous.

    To be honnest, just see a doctor or something.

  13. panty liners, do you have a week bladder, or are you just not toilet trained?

  14. My only advice is, 3 years from now, you won't even care about any of this. Don't let bother you now. I'm sure your parents know of this condition as well, make sure you do everything your doctor is telling you to do because it is not normal to involuntarily urinate.

    Take care Pey Pey.

  15. Yes I would wear them.  Also I would talk to your Dr. to see if there is any way to help you detect when you need to go a little better.  Sorry to hear.

  16. That is a somewhat normal fear response.  You don't need to use anything special but you can stop wetting yourself.  It is part of gaining control of yourself.  You will be glad you did.  I'll be praying for you and I believe God will help you.

  17. wow. i'm sorry.

    that is way beyond embarassing.

    i guess i would just explain the situation of wetting the bed.

    but make it sound like its a disease so he'll feel sorry for you instead of


  18. You can always pretend you spilled something on your pants when you were sitting down before walking home. Just bring it up. Be like "omg, the most emabrrasing thing happened to me yesterday. I spilled water all over my pants and it looked like I wet my pants and I had to walk home!"

  19. if he really cares for you he wont care. pretend like nothing happened, but if its brought up, tell him its a medical problem you cant help and that if they think its funny they should try being in your shoes. if theyr just going to be *** holes and make fun of you, then they arent worth it. i would break up with him if hes going to make fun of you. a boyfriend should be there to support you, not make fun.

    good luck at the cookout, dont wear the good nights if you dont need them. best thing to do is talk to your doctor about it if this happens during the day a lot.

  20. Um, just tell him your on some medicine that makes you pee uncontrollably.  

  21. umm arent u a lil 2 old 2 be peein on urself... wear the good nites if u dnt want another accident

  22. Wow. I guess I would just explain to him your situation. If he doesn't understand, or if he has a problem with it, break up with him because he doesn't deserve you. But I thought I'd tell you my own story (and yes, it's true) to make you feel better.

    This summer, I went to Texas FFA Conventionwith my FFA Chapter. In case you're not familiar with it, there are about 100,000 people who go each year. So anyways, the first night was the concert. We were at the concert for about 5 minutes and i felt my period started. I wasn't really worried, though, because I had on a panty-liner and usualy my period is not that heavy the first day. Well, it started feeling pretty heavy, so i asked two of my friends to come with me to the bathroom. I asked if they could see anything, and at first they said no, but as soon as we got into the hall, where it was lighted (and where a LOT of people were) they were like OMG! It's covering your whole butt! So I went in the bathroom and checked...and it was! I had to stay in the bathroom for the entire concert. My ag teacher had to go to a walmart to get me pants and underwear and pads. The underwear turned out to be HUGE and the pants were WAY short, but my friends and i made it work.

    And you know what? Throughuot that whole terrible experience, my friends (who i had considered to be just on-the-side friends)stayed with me the whole time, trying to cheer me up and make me feel better. They missed the whole concert just for me! So this helped me to find who my real friends were.

    Use this terrible situation to your advantage, and find out if he really loves you.

  23. I'm so sorry that you had to experience something as humiliating as that!  I would suggest talking to your parent(s) & having them make an appointment w/ your pediatrician for you as this could be caused by a medical condition (bladder infection, urinary tract infection, etc.).  There may even be something they can prescribe for you to help alleviate this issue.  I'd explain the problem to your boyfriend & if he really cares about you, he'll understand how embarrassed you are & will hopefully be kind enough not to bring it up again.  It his friends say anything about it, maybe your boyfriend will step up to the plate & tell them to leave you alone.  If he doesn't, then he's not worth keeping around.

  24. if this is the first time you wet your pants in front of your boyfriend, his reaction was normal.  i'd have the same reaction if my girlfriend peed her pants.  you can't help but stare in shock and you don't really know what to say.  though, if he's truly your boyfriend, this shouldn't matter.  it wouldn't with me.

    since your situation is more than just a rare accident, it's a good time now to discuss it with your boyfriend.  if he's a jerk about these things, it's better to find that out now.  i can't speak for him, but i'd appreciate my girlfriend's honesty.  if you're not frequently wetting your pants during the day, i'd say don't wear Good Nights.  especially if your boyfriend already knows your situation.

  25. well surely wear it.

    i suppose ur buddy will understand ur condition.

    if u want then talk to him

  26. yes wear them.

  27. yeaa wear em, dont take chances lyk that.

  28. Just let it go,people have accidents once in a while and if he's going to be rude about it,then he shouldn't be your bf.

  29. i only wet my pants when im laughing uber hard but anyway if your 14 and wetting yourself still consult a doctor thats not very normal to do im sorry

  30. that is sooooooooooo should realy see someone about that. Wetting the bed at 14 ISNT normal  

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