
Please help car starts.........but wont crank?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 1990 maza rx-7 convertible

i recently changed the brake fluid ( yes its was the correct kind (DOT 3))

i start it.... but when i push down the clutch to crank it it turns off

then it wont start...i push down the + battery cable then it will start again...but will not crank(i dont think its the battery, its new)

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  1. First off it sounds like you need to tighten the connections on your battery.  If they can move at all they are to loose and you are not getting a good connection.  This will affect everything from starting to charging.  The rest I am not sure I understand.  If it is already started why would you want to crank it?  If you mean that you turn the key to on then press the clutch and everything just dies then you likely have a electrical issue with a switch on the clutch that keeps you from starting it with out the clutch pressed in.  My suggestion is to first fix your battery cables and see what happens then.

  2. You are very confusing, "i start it... but"  ??? Either it cranks (starter turning engine over) - or it does not. It can not start unless it cranks (unless you push start it). It may start and then stall or it may stall when you attempt to put it in gear.  Try to follow the diagnostic procedure below. If you get stumped enter a new question giving clear description of what you have tried and what the car's response is to the critical steps.

    No Start, this procedure covers most makes and models.

    No Crank: Check headlights

    Headlights Bright – Try to crank – Click, no crank lights remain bright  = starter or solenoid. Verify by checking for crank signal at starter using a test light while assistant holds key in crank position.  Try thunking the starter lightly with a hammer while assistant try’s to crank engine if test light shows crank signal present at starter = bad starter.

    No Click No Crank – check for crank signal at starter using a test light while assistant holds key in crank position.  If crank signal is present starter is bad.  

    If no crank signal at starter check ignition switch and / or intermediate solenoid / relay on fender or firewall or clutch switch or transmission park/neutral switch. No power at ignition switch - check fuses and / or fuseable links.

    If headlights dim or go out when attempt to crank = weak or bad battery or bad battery terminal connection – clean and tighten terminals, if still no crank replace battery.

    Headlights dim or not at all – Battery discharged or bad. Charge battery, 30 amp charger 3 hours, 10 amp charger 10 hours, go back to top and start process over. While charging look for cause of battery run down, dome lights, trunk lights, glove box lights an so on.  

    IF you choose to attempt to Jump Start a car PLEASE follow the following precautions and procedure:

    WEAR SAFETY GLASSES!!!  Do not allow the vehicles to touch!

    Connect one end of the Red cable to either the (+) Positive battery terminal or the Red (+) Positive Jump Starting Post of the vehicle to be started. Connect the other end of the Red Cable to either the (+) Positive battery terminal or the Red (+) Positive Jump Starting Post of the vehicle providing the jump.  Connect one end of the Black Cable to either the (-) Negative Battery terminal or to a solid metal component, bracket, ect. of the engine of the vehicle providing the jump.  Connect the other end of the Black Cable to a solid metal component, bracket, ect. of the engine of the vehicle to be started – DO NOT connect to the battery terminal for the final connection (Explosion Hazard!). Watch for sparks when making the last connection – if NO sparks, remove the final connection and wiggle all three of the other connections then make the final connection again. When you get sparks when making the final connection it indicates that a good connection is being made, capable of carrying the load of charging and starting the dead vehicle.  When connection is complete, start the engine of the vehicle providing the jump start if it is not already running, and wait 10 minutes for the dead battery to take a partial charge.  After 10 minutes the vehicle being jump started should start normally.  If jump starting is successful and no obvious cause for battery to be dead (Head lights, dome lights, trunk lights glove box lights an so forth left ON by driver), the vehicle should be taken directly to a parts store for a replacement battery.

    Cranks - no start – Got fuel?  Check for Spark using a spark tester or spare spark plug. Spark ok (check all 3 or 4 coil packs if multi coil ignition system) Check fuel pressure – special gauge required on most vehicles – refer to factory specification for correct normal pressure and procedure.  No spark at one coil, normal spark at all others = bad coil or harness connection.

    No Spark at any coil – check crank and cam sensors (DRB Test) Check valve timing (belt busted?)  Full system DRB (Diagnostic Readout Box) analysis at repair shop.

    Hope this helps 

  3. just tighten your battery cables and then try it again. if that doesnt work then replace both battery cables and then try it again.

  4. Sounds like a bad battery cable to me.  Replace the cable end with a universal connector. Get the connector first then cut off the cable right at the old cable end, then clean the cable and attach the new one.

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