
Please help - cat question. There is a cute little cat I found & it is having breathing problems. He is

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having shallow breaths (not breathing normally all the way) and he sounds congested. Like during his breaths you can hear kinda mucus little sounds. He also has a weak baby meow. One of my friends told me to give it Benadryl, so I got a little squirter and put some liquid benadrly in it's mouth, and it was foaming/ spitting out mucus. I dunno if it from all the mucus/ congestion inside that is coming out, or if the cat is just spitting out the benadrly b/c he doesn't like it. As for the cat's appetite is sorta there - I mean it's not really tha big, but it isn't the greatest either. He hasn't finished his bowl of food that I laid out 10 hours ago.

What to do? I don't want to take it to vet b/c I don't have money, plus it's techincally not my cat...but I feel bad for the poor little dude. Any suggestions would be much appreciated :-)




  1. dude take it to the VET!!!!!



    dDUE NOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4get the money wat u value more


    or life

    borro muney from a friend

    or plead the vet

    but plz man!!1

  2. He needs antibiotics. He's got an upper respiratory infection.Keep him warm. Try giving him some warm homemade chicken broth. The canned is WAY too salty.Heat up his food, too.I hope he makes it.He really needs to see the Vet.

  3. You NEVER give a cat or kitten a human medication without a vet's instructions.

    The kitten is NOT having an allergic reaction (indicated for Benadryl with humans) - he has a serious viral infection and will die if he cannot breathe or eat.

    Technically he may not be your cat and if you have any compassion at all you will see that he is treated properly by a veterinarian.  So continue to feel bad and watch him suffer and die or do the RIGHT THING.

    Get some human baby food at the grocery store.  It must not contain ANY garlic or onion powder.  I believe Gerber's Stage 2 is pure meat - chicken or lamb will be easiest on his stomach.  You can put some of that on your finger and put a small amount in his mouth.  That way he will have some moist nutrition until you can get a vet to see him.

  4. The cat you found seems very ill.  If you don't have the money and don't plan on keeping the cat, your local animal shelter will take the animal in and treat its illnesses, but you'll never see it again.  On the other hand, if you DO want to keep the cat, maybe you can work out a payment plan with your local vet, since you have no money now.  Giving a cat Benedryl probably wasn't the best idea, but it seems like the cat pretty much spit it all out anyway.  But like I said, your little found kitty needs medical attention.

  5. im no expert but i have studied cats and dogs and i have 3 dogs that have had pups, i dont know if this is the same but, in puppies if they have been just born and have breathing probs with mucus and stuff, try rubbing its chest until it coughs up the mucus (as long as it takes, it could be beetween 1 min-1hour i d/k) and if that works try giving it some water, and if that doesent work you will have to take take it to the vet or summin cos it may die. so no matter how hard it may be to loose ownership of him, its better than watching him die. But wateva u do dont give it human medicine.

    PS this also works on dogs and every other animal ive tried it on (pigs guine-pigs dogs birds mice) it my mums animal remidy meant to cure like almost everthing.... get and egg and some milk and mix emin together and see if he will drink that, it helps get animals energy up alot. I havent tried it on a cat yet but should be rite, and one more thing if u do try that last remedy, prepare for that cat to possibly get diorear cos some cats get it from milk.

    hope i helped

  6. It sounds like he has an upper respritory infection.  He does need to see a vet for treatment and rule out anything else. If you aren't able to care for him, what about contacting a local rescue group and see if they can help.  I would not recommend you giving him benadryl you can do more harm than good by giving him this.

  7. My cat did that after our house fire.

    You need to take him to the animal shelter.

    Don't be selfish and try to do anything yourself.

    You might be making it worse.

  8. Did you bring it in you're house. Could have a disease, should take it to a vet, give it shot's, and give it a flea bath.

  9. Sounds like this cat needs medical care, if you can't afford to provide that you may want to look into the local humane society.  This is their area and should be able to nurse the kitty back to good health if possible.

  10. I have given Benadryl to my dogs under vet direction for allergy symptoms, but what this kitten has does not sound like allergy problems.  This kitten needs vet care and antiboitics now.  Do not give the kitten anymore meds until you see a vet.  Benadryl sedates those who take it.  You could easily give the kitten too much and kill it.

  11. Ya better get him to the doctor & get him some vetenary care.

  12. Do not give him any more over the counter medications.  He sounds very ill and absolutely needs to see a vet.  If there is anyone you can borrow money from, or anything you can sell/pawn, this would be the time to do it.  If not call around to vets in the area and explain that you found a cat that is obviously injured/ill.

    There's nothing to be done except to take the cat to the vet.  Either yourself, as a drop off stray, or to a SPCA/shelter for them to deal with.  Leaving him the way he is is cruel.

  13. How to check your pet's respiratory rate:

    Step 1:

    Have your pet stand or lie down.

    Step 2:

    Grab a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.

    Step 3:

    Look for signs of inhalation, such as the chest rising and falling.

    Step 4:

    Put a tissue or mirror by your pet's nostrils and look for tissue movement or fogging on the mirror if it's difficult to determine when the animal is breathing.

    Step 5:

    Count the amount of times your pet breathes in 15 seconds.

    Step 6:

    Multiply the number by 4. This number will be rate of respirations per minute.

    Step 7:

    Contact your veterinarian if your pet's respiratory rate is out of normal range.

    Average respiratory rate of cats is 20 to 30 breaths per minute.

    A cat can have up to 300 pants per minute. If a cat pants for more than a few minutes, call the veterinarian immediately.

    4 months ago


  14. Sounds like the kitty has un upper respitory infection or possibly asthma.  Don't give it anything like milk right now cuz that will make the congestion thicker.  Just give him time to rest and keep him inside.  If you don't have the money for a vet right now, call and ask their opinion explaining the situation.  They can give you advice free of charge.  Who knows...maybe it's just a hairball??  Good luck!  I hope kitty is okay!

  15. put up FOUND CAT signs

  16. Be careful Zac, Rabies could be what is happening to the cat, I suggest to say it was given to you and take him to the vet, you health is first, do no shower the cat yet if he dies dont put him away right away if you dont feel ok (trust me). He might have some kind of infection, disolve some antibiotic in milk and give it slowly to the cat with a seringe. Make sure you dont touch yourself after you touch the cat , also avoid playing with the cat to avoid scratches on you skin and let any kind of decease in your body, keep it very clean, if posible use clohrine to clean everything in contact with the little friend.

  17. well, i think it's pretty common knowledge that you can't give animals medications that are intended for humans... but that carton's obviously been spilt... besides, you wouldn't take benadryl for congestion anyway, plus the antihistamine could be dangerous if it's young enough. well whatever, keep it warm and dry, give it plenty of water. you might wanna think about a milk replacer if it's under 6 weeks. don't force it to eat. i'm sure food isn't your best friend when you have a cold either. also, you should make sure it has enough teeth to properly chew the food you gave it ten hours ago?

    either way, kitty's kind of boned if you don't take it to the vet because it sounds like it has an upper respiratory infection, which is just annoying to a person but is fatal to a cat, especially if it's young. he'll give you antibiotics if thats the case. other than that, i'm almost certain there's little you can do without professional help.

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