
Please help!!!!!!!!!!!! (chicken question)?

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ok so i have a baby chick thats hatching and i tried to help it hatch just a little by breaking a few shell pieces off and now i think hes sorta hatching wrong i no it was a stupid thing to do will he be ok???? please no mean answers




  1. I myself have assisted quite a few hatches and thankfully only two of my chicks didn’t make it and they were eggs that were abandoned by the mother hen that I found out about a little to late. All my other birds grew up strong and healthy.

    I do agree with not helping birds hatch because in nature they wouldn’t hatch, and I try to go natural. But, sometimes I just get a hen that is an awful mother and she gets up and leaves the eggs that are ready to hatch, and I just can’t let them die.

    But, it is a good idea not to rush on assisted hatching. It can take a chick up to 42 hours to hatch. Anything-longer then that the chick runs out of food (yolk) and dies. So first I would give the chick sometime. If you notice that the chick is still alive but hardly moving, of if the chick has not has any progress on the shell in around 7 hours then it may be time to assist the hatch if you wish,

    When assisting a hatch it would be nice to have someone with experience with you, but sometimes you don’t have that option. So you have a choice, leave the chick to die, or possibly kill or save the chick. If you choice to possibly kill or save the chick here are some tips.

    Never assist an egg that isn’t cracked or pecked through as the blood is still circulating and all you are going to do is make the animal bleed to death. Besides the animal is most likely okay just taking awhile to pipe through the egg.

    If there is a crack then gently start to peel away the shell. Try to leave the membrane in tack. Wet the shell and membrane down a little with warm water. Some blood will seep out from broken veins. Be careful with the shell as it can slip through the membrane and cut the chick. Then take of the membrane and pinch of the umbilical cord. Let the chick dry out. If it lives it lives, if it dies, it dies.

    Good luck if you have any questions feel free to contact me via email

    Rhode Runner

  2. Unfortunately, if you have to assist a hatch, it often doesn't go to well.

    Make sure their is plenty of humidity where the chick is hatching and leave him alone.  Any additional picking at the shell may actually cause him to bleed to death.

  3. Well...u shouldn't of done that...for some chicks t takes them more than justa few minutes to hatch.The important thing is to keep it at the same temperature...make sure its eating properly and it gets allot of excersise.

    If you do that,then he would turn out just OK.But you may never know so take it to the vet for some checkups....

  4. You should never help them hatch unless you have experience at it. No telling what damage you have done if any. The best thing is to leave them alone and let them hatch by themselves. Sinse new born chicks of any breed of bird will have part of the yolk still attatched to it, if you help the wrong way or pull too hard on the rump of the egg you could pull the baby's guts out if the egg is still attatched to the baby and yolk. Please EDUCATE yourself before touching anything in a helping way where you know you can do more harm then good.  

  5. just make sure its in a warm temperture then before youll know it itll hatch. hope i helped

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