
Please help connect psp slim to tv?

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Yesterday I bought psp slim 3.95 ofw, but i can't connect it to my Tv. I bought component cables with 5 different outpus (green,blue,red.....), but I can't play games. I have Insignia 27" Flat Screen CRT Tube TV (NS-F27C) . If you check this link it says that my Tv has progressive scanning and is compatible with 480i, so I though I can play games using my psp, but when I connect my psp to my TV it doesn't work. If i change my psp from progressive mode to interlace mode, it only shows movies and pictures, but it doesn't play games. I thought maybe it's because I don't have HDTV, but I read some forums and most of them said that I don't need it. Help please!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. then try taking the cables back and getting some new ones.

    thats obviously the first place to start

  2. Here follow this very simple video tutorial and you should be good to go and no you don't need an HD TV


    *your welcome*

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