If anyone can help I'd appreciate it, it's long so bear with me please:
I've been depressed since I was a kid. When I started to get suicidal I got on antidepressants. I've tried Lexapro 20mg and am now on Cymbalta 60mg. With the Lexapro, I went from 10mg to 20mg and for 2 days I actually felt happy...something I haven't felt in a long time. Then they stopped working for some reason and I started to feel suicidal again. My doc switched me to Cymbalta and it's only taken the edge off like the Lexapro did, and I'm now starting to again get suicidal. Please no bullsh*t answers like "antidepressants are bad for you", because if I wasn't on them I know I'd have lost it and killed myself by now. I'm trying to keep up hope but it's hard. Does anyone know of any different antidepressant I can try, or should I just say s***w it? I know that medication alone won't work, I'm also going to therapy. Thanks for your answers.