
Please help depression

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If anyone can help I'd appreciate it, it's long so bear with me please:

I've been depressed since I was a kid. When I started to get suicidal I got on antidepressants. I've tried Lexapro 20mg and am now on Cymbalta 60mg. With the Lexapro, I went from 10mg to 20mg and for 2 days I actually felt happy...something I haven't felt in a long time. Then they stopped working for some reason and I started to feel suicidal again. My doc switched me to Cymbalta and it's only taken the edge off like the Lexapro did, and I'm now starting to again get suicidal. Please no bullsh*t answers like "antidepressants are bad for you", because if I wasn't on them I know I'd have lost it and killed myself by now. I'm trying to keep up hope but it's hard. Does anyone know of any different antidepressant I can try, or should I just say s***w it? I know that medication alone won't work, I'm also going to therapy. Thanks for your answers.




  1. Hi Christin. I also suffer from depression and was put back on medication in December. The doctor tried me with "citalopram" which is one of these SSRI. They took about 2mnths to work on me because the low dose that I started on, wasnt really doing it for me, so my doc increased it to 40mg. I did feel slightly better until I have suddenly ballooned with all this weight. I went back to the doctors and told her that these tablets have caused weight gain. She said I had two options, so I decided not to take them. I feel worse that I have gained nearly a stone since I have been on them, and I find it hard to loose weight at the best of times. I have gone all fat around my middle and feel totally miserable about it. I too am seeing a councillor although I think most of my depression is caused with being constantly put down for years by my partner, who I am trying to leave. He is a bully and likes to put me down all the time. I sometimes have felt suicidal, but it is the fact that my daughter would be left with a pig of a man, that stops me. Please do not do anything like that, even though at times you feel like it. All it would do is hurt the people that love you so much, and Im sure you have people who love you. I have tried Prozac in the past, which as you said, takes the edge of things. I felt better on them though, and without much side effects either. If you want to talk anytime to me, please feel free that you can. Maybe we could support each other. Take care. x

  2. Hi. I had depression and was suicidal for about a year during high school. Therapy is very beneficial, but about the drugs, you should ask your psychiatrist or a doctor what would be good for you personally, because we can't judge that. If these drugs aren't working and he/she won't put you on anything else, then get a second opinion.

    I was on a drug that was meant for Bipolar disorder and Epilepsy, but it really helped my depression. It was called Lamictal. But that's what my psychiatrist said would be good for me. Get a professional opinion. Good luck. :)

    Yeah, antidepressants are bad for you, but this is life or death. If nothing works, you could ask for medicinal marijuana. I've heard that works better than anything, but most people are morally against it.

  3. I was the same as you. they switched me from antidepressent to antidepressent.  

    then they put me on Zoloft(not sure how you spell it). It worked soooo well! Before i had been in trehapy every week, now i go every two months.

    You should recommend it to your doctor, for it works quickly, and effectivliy.

    Hope he takes the idea, and it works for you!Any other questions, just email me!

                                                          Best of wishes,


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