
Please help deside?

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my and my boyfriend are having a baby girl i want to call her smile but my boyfriend hates the name please say if u like the name or not (and if we did call her smile she wouldnt have a middle name because it would sound silly ex. smile lucy sounds like u want a girl to smile whos called lucy)

plz help




  1. No, sorry I don't like it that much. Think about whether you would have liked that name yourself, when you were growing up. Think about the future as well when she will be an adult.

  2. I think you have to think about how your little girl will feel when she is older and what impact a name will have on her.

    I can imagine she may get teased quite a bit as school with a name like that, and I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate it.

    Also, how will she feel when she is 30 and her name is Smile.

    No offense, but personally I woudln't do it, I do like your idea of having a name that is different, but I think you have to be very careful with what you choose.

    Good luck.

  3. It's going to sound silly with or without a middle name and your daughter is going to get picked on. And imagine the irony if she actually doesn't smile all that often, which she may not with a name like that.

    Use Smile/Smiley as a nickname. Smile is a verb and/or a noun. Not a baby name.

  4. smile isnt a name for a baby its an emotion!

  5. Eurgh, Its horrible.

    She'd well get teased.

    How about:





    Renee [Pronounced Ren-ay]





    Maire [Pronounced Mar-ee]


    Amber Taylor.





    Isabelle Rose.

    Carmen Paige.

    Brooke Renee.

    Tianna Jay.


  6. no i dont like it, its like apple, coco, sunday, or things like that. i hate those types of names i think it is ridiculous, but its ur baby i cant tell u what to name her

  7. No don't call her smile call her Eden, Isabelle or Chloe or Lucy, something sensible for goodness sake do NOT call her smile

  8. I agree with your boyfriend

    Not a good idea to name her Smile

    Maybe it would sound better as a middle name

    Such as

    Gracie Smile

    Chloe Smile


  9. Sorry but I don't think its even a pretty name. Also think about when she gets older.

  10. smile is quite the odd name. she's almost garunteed to be the only person with that name.

    if hubby is not partial to the name what so ever, give her a more "normal" name and smile can be her nickname.

  11. I don't like the name.  But you can have it as a nickname.

  12. You are joking, sorry don't like it.

  13. Please don't do this to your little girl. every time somebody says 'smile' she will think they are talking to her. Thats a horibble name, sorry!

  14. No I hate that name, that is not a very good name. Sorry but thats my opinion. Put your self in your kids place at lets say the age of 12-13. Would you want that name?


  16. It's a little strange.. and she would probably get made fun of alot.. you could name her "Sonrisa".. which is smile in Spanish..??

  17. smile is not soo good in my op.

    why not something pretty like blair, paige, annelea, serena, sienna.... etc

  18. I get what you're doing, put it's a lot of pressure to put on a child- always expecting her to smile!

    Why don't you call her Miles?  Its an anagram of smile!

  19. I really hope you're kidding.

    You could always call her Smile as a nickname, or Smiley, but for a REAL name, I'd highly suggest something else.

  20. I really think that name would be kinda cruel. Naming a child after a verb is not something you should really do without complete consideration. Let's say your las name is Smith. People would be asking "Smith" to smile. With or without a middle name it is mean.

  21. That is a joke. Think again, the poor kid!

  22. Well to be honest, it does sound a bit weird. I don't really like it.. Sorry.

  23. Hi,

    To be honest I don't really like Smile. It sounds a bit cruel to call a baby that as she bound to get a lot of sick in school when she older.

    Plus think about when she is an adult and goes for a job interview and the person interviewing goes 'We ready for you now Miss Smile ................' it just cruel!!!


  24. Smile? You HAVE to be a teen mother. ( no offense but i have notice teens pick out names like that. ) You can name her something normal but call her smile as a cute nick name.

  25. i really dont like it she'll end up getting laughed at her whole life and hating you for it

  26. wow, that's such an awful name.

  27. I knew this was going to be a good one! I'm going to be serious with you though, don't do it. When she's upset everyone will say "Smile, Smile!" which will annoy her to no end. Not to mention, you want a name you both agree on. I think you should write out a list of like 10 names that you like (hopefully some that are not words) and let your boyfriend pick from that list. It is his baby too (at least I'm assuming it is)!

  28. i don't like it. she'd get a lot of sh*t from everyone growing up.

  29. Umm i thinkk that 'smile' is a good nickname,

    Smiley- Miley

    you could name her miley

    and call her smiley or smile.

    i personally have never heard of someone named smile

    also I like middle names. :]

    Hope i helped, and don't forget to choose me as

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