My daughter will be five months old on the 9th of this month. Due to a medical condition I have to stop nursing her at 6 months and get back on a medication that could be harmful for her while breastfeeding. (I can't believe how fast the time flew by!) Anyway, I have been doing "Attachment Parenting" (co-sleeping, breastfeeding on demand, baby-wearing when possible, that kind of thing.) PLEASE don't give me a rant about why you think Attachment Parenting is bad, etc. My question is, with the big switch to formula coming soon, what can I do to prepare my daughter and make the transition a bit easier on both of us? I am already giving her occasional bottles of pumped milk or formula, which she takes ok. My biggest concern is at sleepytime. She goes to sleep on the breast and has MAJOR trouble going to sleep without it. Sometimes she will self soothe with her thumb in her mouth but she doesn't usually stay asleep long that way. WHen she wakes during the night, she also wants to breastfeed again to fall back asleep. I really don't want to make her "cry it out" as I feel that is cruel. I know it works for some people but I just can't put her through that. What can I start doing now to make this transition easier? I want to continue co-sleeping for a while longer too. Oh, I've also tried several special (and expensive) binkies that are supposed to mimic the feel of the mother's breast - yeah right, LOL! Please help me if you have any ideas! I'd really appreciate it!