
Please help!!! embarassing question!!!??!!?

by  |  earlier

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so im 14 and i have been getting periods for a couple years. and i got my period on the 21st and i am going on a camping trip the 25 and i cant be on my period for it. is there any way i can speed it up a little bit? does exersizing shorten it or just make it lighter? please help!!




  1. So how long does your period last hon?  Today is the 22nd, by the 25th you should be almost done and hardly have anything going on.

    Stop worrying about it and relax.  You don't say how long you're going to be gone on this trip, but even so, you'll tense yourself up so bad, you're likely to get your body out of whack.

    Easy does it!

  2. Sorry sweetie but there is nothing you can do to speed up your period as it will arrive as secluded. The only way to mess it up for most woman is stress.  . Exercising will help you stay regular and help with cramps.Take your supplies and have fun on your trip.

  3. i don't think there is really a home remedy to make your period shorter  unless your doctor has given you the pill or something. I have not heard of exercising making it shorter or lighter but hopefully someone could give you a more accurate answer on that one because i really don't know. But chances are you period will be significantly lighter on the 25 that is like 4 days of being on it. If your period is on a normal schedule, almost always regular and moderate bleeding then i think you will be fine. Just take some tampons/pads/pantyliners for back up mine usually last about 4 days and on the 4th day it is very light. I know periods don't have any consideration for our plans.  

  4. Nope sorry. Bring pads and/ or tampons with you.

  5. You can make it come after the holiday. You can go to the doctor for some norethisterone. You take these a few days before your period is due, and over the course of the holiday. You stop taking them and your period starts a few days later.

  6. I have heard something that Motrin does lighten it, but not take it awayl.  I'm not sure of the reason that you can't go camping on your period.  I use Instead Cups vs. a tampon.  They are so much better and you forget you even have it.

  7. It depends on what type of flow you have. You should pretty much know the behavior of your period by now. But it should be getting lighter and almost done by then. But there is no tricks for speeding it up.

  8. bring your supplies - tampons, pads.

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