
Please help fill up a 30 gallon freshwater aquarium?

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what should i put in the aquarium ill let you put everything including the plants and show me pics of how it should look like a drawing would be fine. I currently have 1 albino oscar and 1 jack dempsey and they are both babies but im thinking of selling them or putting them in a outdoor pond cuz they dont seem to get along. Also when choosing the fish for me, i want them low mainteance and they don't need to switch tank sizes cuz im tired of cleaning up for fish then releasing them and not seeing them die. i dont want fish that are gonna get sucked in my filter and i want schooling fish. Also the fish can only be fish you can buy at petsmart.




  1. Well, first off you're not supposed to release fish from your tanks into local ponds and whatnot, since this can outbalance the natural environment, meaning a released oscar could decimate an entire pond's population, and it's actually illegal in many states to do so.

    The oscar and jack dempsey absolutely have to go if you want schooling fish, and they're not even suitable for a 30, cause they grow so large they'll eventually need a 75+ gallon tank.

    Schooling fish you can buy at PetsMart . . . Neon tetras, lamp eye tetras, serpae tetras, lemon tetras, black skirt tetras, tiger barbs (fin nippers), cardinal tetras, and zebra danios. Non schooling fish that are still pretty cool are mollies, swordtails, guppies, and platies.

    You can't fit ALL those fish together in a 30, but you can pick out combos, like cardinals with neons, or serpaes with black skirts.

    The plants can be java fern, java moss, Amazon sword plants, riccia, all of which are pretty much unkillable unless you just don't fill the tank with water.

    Fish that get sucked into a filter are just sick/weak fish, so that can be any fish.

    Have fun choosing!

  2. Well, you should definately get rid of the Jack and Oscar, they will definately need a larger tank not to far in the future and they are very aggressive and will fight.

    I reccomedn getting some tetras (there are many types to choose from), danios, fancy guppies, and mollys.  They are all calm schooling fish and definately interesting to watch.  You can also get a coupld of Afican Dwarf frogs, and maybe a couple of female bettas.

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