
Please help find a freind?

by  |  earlier

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I have been looking for my friend Mario Vanzyl for the longest time but cant find his contact details, phone address anything.

He isnt on facebook, myspace and hi5

I was wondering is there any way to find a persons if he is using yahoo, hotmail or anythign else by just going to the sites?

if not can u let me know if there is any other links i can look for his email address?




  1. ..jUst gO tO fRienDster.coM..(nOt cApiTalizEd)tHen.,eNter hIs nAme on sEarch bOx..yOur lUckY if hE hAve a fRienDsteR aCcOunt..

    bUt dOnt eVer lOse a hOpe fOr yOur sElf tHat yOu wilL sOmeday fInd him aNd tAke yOur pAst fRiEndshIp aGain..gOod lUck..!

  2. if he has a drivers license you can find him if not then sorry bro

  3. ..... how do you want me to help you,

    but i happen to meet him  i will tell him to call you.

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