
Please help friendship crisis!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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in grade 6 K and J and i and some ither girls were bffs. me and j werent that close but k and j were always telling secrets and were so the year went on k and j started getting mre popular and k started getting new a list friends. i started hanging out with them too and my popularity went up. then k and J stopped being friends.... now in grade 7 K J and the two popular girls plus everyone else in this group are tight and always telling secrets about guys and people. when you ask what re you talking about they say nothing. today on the bus nobody said a word to me and i sat like a seat ahead of everyone. anyways they are getting to know everyone and the 2 popular girls are nice to me but treat me like an acquaintance and K is being so mean to me and nice on occasions. please help i don't know what to do. they aren't in any of my classes. but they re in athletics and one of the popular girls is in my at class. please tell me what to do.




  1. The only thing you can do is just keep being friendly with them.  They could have any number of reasons... maybe they have a private joke between them that they don't want anyone else to know so they don't share it with anyone.  Don't worry too much, it will work out fine.  

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