
Please help..getting my daughter to sleep.?

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My daughter will be three in October. For over 12 months she has gone to bed happily when we tell her it is bed time. Over the past few weeks, she throws a fit when we put her down. She gets so worked up, that she makes herself vomit at times. She then crawls out of bed and screams in a way I have never heard her do before.

Any ideas or suggestions on why this has started or anything I can do about it. I don't want to give in to her, and teach her how to get her way in this manner. Thank You.




  1. its normal in most cases.

    try at night about an hour before she goes to bed to wind down and just watch t.v together or something or read stories to her.. let her pick...mabe a litttle to young yett.


    an hour before bed give her a warm bath with some lavender scented bodywash or soap, or shampoo and that should calm her down.

    good luckk:]]]]]

  2. have you asked why she is having a hard time with this?

    Do you go in and read to her?

    Do you rub her to sleep? Like her back, feet, hands, tummy

    Does she need a teddy or something to sleep with?

    See if these help her, If not, I would recommend a routine. have a calming down period an hour and a half between bedtime. Make sure things are quiet, and nothing to get her going. About thirty minutes before bed time, Let her know, "its time to get ready for bed" Give her a warm bath with lavender (It will help calm the child) Help her brush her teeth, get on her PJs, Brush and braid her hair, and then read a calming story. Something that helps her sleep.

    Sometimes it also helps if you teach a kid of how to tell when bed time is.  Even doing that with every event helps.

  3. does she say it too dark..i put a radio and played classic easy listening in my son's room and he had a lamp that twirled pretty colors, and i had to put all his stuffed animals away because they scared him when the lights went out.the music helped drawn out sounds that go bump in the night..worked like a charm..

  4. Sounder  typical like she just doesnt want to miss out on having fun. It's just jer age most likely probably best to make it boring as possible then tell her to go to bed if there is no  reason for her to be awake she wont want to be. She might be having night mares to maybe a night lamp might help cant hurt to try i guess. Sometimes u just gotta ignore kids n let them cry, Ask her whats wrong  if she can talk then take her back to bed and sit with her a couple of times so she can learn again that its ok, goodluck

  5. make the bedtime routine more strict and make sure you give her a good count down to bed time: make sure that everything happens in the same order at about the same time, and make sure she is fully aware as to how close it is to bed time

    when you put her down first read a story then explain to her that is bed time and that you will just be watching TV in the other room untill you go to bed (or whatever you are really doing, if its something exciting, down play it) then put in her favorite cd... not the radio, otherwise she will be almost asleep and then the deejay will come on and wake her up. tell her that you will sit with her and rub her back for only ONE song, then its hugs and kisses and time for bed.

    if she crys, try to wait it out, you be the judge, if she gets too worked up then go into her room and ask whats wrong, the first time you can have a SHORT conversation with her  no cuddling "I told you that after that ONE song, that it would be time for bed"

    if she continues then take a comfy chair into her room and sit it next to her bed simply say "it is time for you to go to bed, no talking" and sit next to her: no eye contact no talking to her, give her nothing except the comfort of you being next to her.... the next night move to the foot of her bed, then the door way etc

    also, if you are closing her door try leaving it cracked open as long as you arent too loud. being able to hear you guys talking etc may be calming

    try to think of what bedtime feels like to a 3 yr old who is just starting to rationalize things, you tell her all day that you love and adore her, then at the end of the day, you lock her in her room all alone while you go and party, try to help her from seeing it this way

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