
Please help... i don't know what to do at all........

by  |  earlier

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ok, so heres the thing... next week, im going to this big festival and we have a house booked. its my sis, 14, and my mother that are going down for the week. but i dont know what to do, i mean, i want to go with my friends caus some i wont see til next year and i want to go out at nite, but then my mother will be on her own, caus my dad isn't coming til the weekend, and he didn't even want us going to the claases in the first place. what do i do? do i go with my friends (which i s what i want to do) or do i stay with my mother?im 16.

i don't go out much and its just one week.... but what do i do? i realy want somone elses opinion on the matter.. im not a child any more i don't need looking after, and being with your mother when your friends are out isn't the nicest feeling... but i don't want to leave her on her own either.... theres one more thing... my mother sort of expects us to stay with her, which isn't fair... like go to lunch with us, and even if a crowd of my friends are at the next table, il have to stay with her.... i feel trapped and don't know how to handle the suituation at all..... plz help....




  1. go out and have fun, your mum will understand. IF shes cool, invite her along too lol

  2. If you're going for a week, go out with friends a couple of times, and stay with your mom the rest of the time. It's called compromising.

    Your mom can't really object to that if you are nice about asking her.

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