
Please help i dont know what to do he really going to commit suicide

by  |  earlier

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omg what can i do ? please i feel so afraid if he commit suicide that because i couldnt stop him, his parents are divorced ad they hate each other and they keep fighting today a big fight happend and they make the boy choose but he couldnt he is so depressed i cant call anyone please help




  1. The things your friend has been going through is very hard to get past. I have been through so much even though I am only 12. I am on medicine and I go to counsling, and all thoes things. But back to your friend, people like him from my understanding, need to know that they are loved, cuz when they know that, they will become so much happier and u will start to see them smiling more. Tell him you love him and that you will always be there for him. Let him know that.

    Hope I helped ( :

  2. Take him to the hospital if he is mentioning suicide.

  3. You could call the cops and tell them you're afraid your friend might kill himself. I think he needs to go talk to a professional right away, all the police will do is take him to the hospital.

  4. Find a way to contact the police or 911. I'm not sure why you can't get to a phone...but you really need to

    If nothing else, get him to promise to wait until tomorrow before he does anything (any excuse will do) Then get a another friend to or someone else to either go for help or stay with him while you go for help.

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